



GET PAID NOW...Make Money
Right From The Start Using My
Affiliate Income System.





I Send Out Real Paychecks Every Other Friday to My Affiliates' Mailboxes.

Postcard Affiliate Income System


Spend Only 60 Minutes A Day
At Home Mailing Special Postcards
 Do Nothing Else Except Watch
Your Paychecks Keep Coming In! 



If you can stick an address label and a postage stamp on a postcard, you have what it takes to start receiving nice paychecks at home every other Friday. When the checks arrive, the money is yours to spend any way you want. As soon as you spend one check, another check can be on its way to you.


Hello, my name is Doyle Chambers. I am an extremely successful marketing entrepreneur and home business consultant.


I started my home-based publishing business back in 1989 and you will find my reputation to be rock solid.


My specialty is showing ordinary men and women - just like yourself - how to earn good money right from their homes...working in their spare time.


I generously share my knowledge and experience with serious money-minded individuals to help them get started right.


Before we go any further, I do not want to be confused with any get-rich-quick artists. I am an established professional - and that is important for you to know.


I am going to do something right now that no one else has probably offered to do for you.


Here is my personal phone number should you have any additional questions when you’ve finished reading this letter. 972-635-9407 -- You may call me between the hours of 9AM to 5PM Central Time Monday thru Friday.





From personal experience, I know that most money making plans really don’t work out in practice. For the past 20 years, I have spent thousands of dollars searching out and examining countless money making plans.


Literally, I have bought and tried almost every worthwhile plan I could get my hands on. After all that time and money spent, I developed several genuine money making systems that effectively show average people how to make good money from home.My proven systems also help prevent people from wasting time, money and energy in the wrong directions.


My powerful money making systems evolved over time and extensive testing to make them the best of the best! I continue to use these same money making systems on a day to day basis to generate consistent money.


My long proven home income systems are distinctly different from other so called money making plans in a major way - THEY DELIVER CONSISTENT RESULTS!


My next marketing strategy was to create an Online Home Business Catalog offering my time-tested high demand money-making systems. Everything I learned from the most successful advertisers and from my own experience was distilled into the creation of my powerful consistent-order-generating Catalog.




I have come to realize that there are literally millions of potential customers for my home income systems. The demand for what I sell is so great that it is impossible for me to reach them all myself.


I wanted to reach the greatest number of people with my catalog, so in 1994 -- I designed a simplified program where serious money-minded individuals could simply mail postcards and make lots of money.


Every other Friday, I send paychecks to people who mail postcards for me. Due to expansion, I am now looking for more people to do the same thing they’re doing.


My system of using independent mailers helps me get my Online Home Business Catalog out to many more people than I could ever reach myself.


And my participants love it too! They’re able to work in the comfort of their home and receive their PAYCHECKS IN THE MAIL!



This is an established program with proven, real-life results. Just think! $150 - $250 - $400 - $600 OR MORE EACH WEEK! The high profits my participants earn keeps them in my program for the long term...steady weekly paychecks!

All you have to do is get my special postcard into the hands of opportunity seekers who are looking for a way to make money. You simply apply mailing labels and postage stamps on postcards -- and then drop them in the mail.




Your Personal ID Number is on the postcard. Your prospects (who receive your postcard) will go directly to my website featuring my HOME BUSINESS CATALOG.


Soon after your prospects visit my Online Home Business Catalog, many of those people will be so excited that they will quickly place their order Online.


I’ll also answer questions via phone calls from your referral prospects. Each of your prospects are carefully converted into an actual buyer...and you get credit for their purchases.


When I receive orders, I know exactly who generated that order because an Affiliate ID Number is displayed on each customer order form. Each Affiliate ID Number is LINKED in the computer to each customer. If it was YOU - then YOU get a full 40% of the gross sales on anything sold...AS MUCH AS $1,626.00 FOR ONE BIG ORDER!


That's Right... You Can Earn Up to a $1,626 Commission from
Mailing a Single Postcard to the "Right" Person Who Buys
Everything. As More Products Are Added to My Catalog,
You'll Be Able to Earn Even More.


The exact payment on each order will vary depending on what items are ordered. Remember -- my Catalog sells several different items. Whenever the people you refer buy my own products, your account is credited with commissions for 40% of the gross sales.  


I service all customer requirements for you with no further involvement on your part. You don’t have to handle any orders or collect any money yourself. My company handles all order fulfillments. ALL YOU DO IS MAIL POSTCARDS! 





You will be an independent contractor, not an employee. No taxes will be withheld from your checks.


Because your paychecks come straight from my data processing center, you never have to wonder how you’ll get paid. Everything is controlled by computer...I will write you a check every other Friday for all orders generated from your efforts.


You may be thinking “How do I know I’ll receive all my commissions under your mailing program?”. The last thing I want to do is “stiff” you on any commissions you have coming to you.


My independent mailers are very important to me and I always conduct business in an ethical and fair manner - I have been doing business for over 20 years and I wouldn’t have it any other way.


And besides, I know that once you see the commission checks rolling in -- you’ll want to continue in my postcard mailing program.


I am in business to stay and you can be confident that I will pay you each and every commission on all orders I receive from your efforts, period. It’s simple arithmetic. I need and want you to make lots of money on a continuing basis...if you make money - I’ll make money!




Mail 30 postcards a day 






You may have noticed that this letter is not written with a lot of “hype”. I am not making a lot of wild and irresponsible claims. That is not the way I do business. I’m just trying to tell my story as clearly as I can.


Many people, just like yourself, are already participating in this program and earning substantial weekly incomes. You can mail a few postcards or a lot of postcards. There are no minimums to meet. It all depends on how much money you want to make and how fast you want it.


You can take vacations or quit any time and start again later if you wish. Once you will snowball and make more and more money for you.


It is my hope that after reading this letter your intuition is giving you a positive feeling about my program. A feeling that tells you that finally, you have found a legitimate money making program.


It is absolutely possible for you to be making hundreds of dollars each and every week. This program holds more REAL PROMISE of making substantial amounts of money than all of the other wild and ridiculous get-rich-quick schemes put together.


Don’t compare this with any other money making program. It’s an honest and legal business that you will be proud to be involved with.




So…what is the System 1 product?

Don't lose the money that should be in your bank account to a lackof knowledge just because you didn't know about these profit chains! 

Discover 10 Simple Ways
You Can "Chain One Sale to Another" on Autopilot and
Put a Whole Lot More
Money in Your Pocket...

 system 1 product

If you're like me you'd rather make two sales than just one.

The trouble is, too many marketers settle for just one sale far too often—they just don't know enough ways to use one sale to drive the next one, and the one after that.

It's not really their fault. Many products teach how to go after the first sale, but not much more. If you're lucky it may mention creating a sales funnel, but that's only one way to chain profits together.

That's not a lot to go on. No wonder so many folks struggle.

Profit Chains shows you how to "Chain Sales Together for Maximum Profit".

With Profit Chains you'll discover 10 different ways to "chain" one sale to another, and you know what that means...MORE MONEY for YOU! 

Here are the 10 profit chains: 

  1. The Product Chain
  2. The Conversion Chain
  3. The Hidden Chain
  4. The Free Lifetime Upgrade Chain
  5. The Comparison Chain
  6. The Recommendation Chain
  7. The Upsell Chain
  8. The Content Chain
  9. The Increasing Price Chain
  10. The Product Showcase Chain

With Profits Chains, increasing your profits will become much easier because I've tested and spelled out each method for you! You just have to put things in place.

Some of these profits chains are extremely easy to set up. Others take a bit more effort but are very much worth it. Once these methods are in place they're pretty much hands off. They just keep working to earn you more money, which allow you to focus on other things that you need or want to do.

If you can make one sale Profit Chains will help you turn that sale into two or more sales.

If you haven't made that first sale yet, Profit Chains can help you do that if you can get traffic to your website. And while this is not a course in traffic generation, an included bonus can help with that, too.

Rocket Your Profits

If you're used to the old "find a customer, make a sale model" you know how that limits your income. After all, it takes time to find new customers.

When your profits chains are set up you can make multiple sales to that same customer for no extra effort (because you've already set things up in advance). You make one sale and without doing anything more you can find a second sale follows the first sale, and a third sale can follow the second sale, and right on down to the last link in your chain.

Of course, not every customer will follow a chain to the end, just as not every prospect buys who sees the sales page. But one thing is certain, if you don't set your profit chains up you won't make those extra sales.

Repeat Sales Leads to a Higher Income

If you make 1 sale to 10 different customers without using profit chains then you make 10 sales. If you have a profit chain with four additional purchase points, there is now the potential for 40 more sales.

You won't sell that many, but the point is, without profit chains your sales stop at 10 with those customers—but with a single profit chain in place there is the potential for 40 additional sales.

Even if you only make 5 additional sales, that's a 150 percent increase in your profits. If all your products were $27, that's an extra $135 in your pocket for every 10 customers. That adds up fast!

Could you be shooting yourself in the foot?

  • Discover a common promotional tactic that absolutely kills additional sales. Are you making this mistake? ...see page 4
  • Discover why a coupon code box on your checkout page can reduce sales and lower profits. ...see page 5
  • Discover the ideal size for a profit chain. ...see page 6
  • Discover the eight most common mistakes email marketers make with their new list members. ...starting on page 7
  • Not all profit chains begin after a sale, some initiate the first sale. Discover hidden profit chain starters that most webmasters overlook. ...see page 14
  • Discover how giving free lifetime upgrades is one of the most intelligent profit chains there is. This is one of my favorites! ... see page 15
  • Discover a better alternative to the Tell-a-Friend concept that gets customers to sing your praises and feel good about doing it. ...see page 19
  • Discover a simple way to handle upsells when your shopping cart or payment processor doesn't support it. ...see page 20
  • Discover two "soft sell" techniques that get customers to read your promotional offer included with their purchase download. ...see page 23

All that and more is included in Profit Chains, and it adds up to one thing...MORE MONEY for YOU!

*** The value of this System 1 product is substantial!  I want you to be equipped with virtually everything you need to be successful.




There are two different parts for System 1. 
(1) The Distributorship and (2) The Product. The separate cost for the System 1 Affiliate Income System Distributorship fee is $19. The separate cost for the System 1 product is $50. Both of these costs combined total $69.

To comply with USA state laws, no commission is paid on the $19 System 1 Affiliate Income System Distributorship fee. However, a one-time $50 commission is paid on personal sales for the $50 System 1 product itself.
In addition, 40% commissions are paid on personal sales for the other products offered within Catalog Website.






When it comes to making consistent money, there is nothing more important than gaining guidance from someone who has the experience... someone who's "been there".


You see, unlike others, I truly am going to guide you in making money. I’ll make myself available to you. I feel that my support that goes along with the program makes the difference.


If you’ve ever tried a money making program before and didn’t have any success, don’t worry, this time you’ll see a big difference.


I realize how hard it is to make it on your own, that’s why I’ll stand behind you. Think of me as your consultant and mentor. I want to be your partner and work WITH you on a continuing basis so that I can help you make the most money possible!


Because my business makes money only if you make money, you can be darn sure I’m going to do everything possible to help you make the money you want and need. We’ll both make money together!


I could charge a great deal for this valuable program, but my AFFILIATE INCOME SYSTEM is priced moderately low. With my reputation on the line - my program must measure up to my high standards and most of all, actually benefit those who sincerely work my program.







The cost of my program is a small price to pay when your day to day life can be changed for the better...almost overnight!


Unlike most greenhorn and illogical entrepreneurs, I do not resort to outlandish money-back guarantees and no such policy is expressed or implied. MY SYSTEM HAS ALWAYS ATTRACTED ONLY THE MOST SERIOUS MONEY MINDED INDIVIDUALS WHO RECOGNIZE THE HIGH VALUE OF A GENUINE HOME INCOME-GENERATING OPERATION - because frankly - anyone who puts this quality system into motion will be able to create a continuous income.


The minute you open my start-up package, you will instantly realize just how powerful my program will work like WILDFIRE in even today’s roller coaster economy. Eliminate the constant worry about inflation and debts by putting your spare time to good use.





Promote your business according
to how much you can spend.

There are several different low-cost methods to promote your business. You can use postcards, marketing letters, a referral website, place little ads in offline publications, and place ads online. You can use one method, or any combination.


 The Funnel Postcard

Funnel Marketing Letter

Free Stamp Letter

Advertising Toolkit

The Referral Website

THE POSTCARDS: Your System 1 Kit includes a master copy of the two postcards, so you can get your postcard printing done anywhere you choose. However, I will recommend a few mail order printers. All you need to do is call this printer and give them your assigned ID number. The printer will print and ship the postcards to you. They charge about $60 to $80 per thousand postcards. 

 Black & White Postcard



 Real Cashflow Funnel Postcard    Doyle Chambers Color Postcard


Even though I recommend mailing 30 postcards a day (6 days a week), you can choose the number of postcards you can afford to mail. Some people mail 20 postcards a day, while others mail 50 postcards a day. This business is designed to work within your personal budget. However many postcards you choose to mail, consistency is the key to success with this business.

You'll also need Mailing Lists, which are names and addresses of opportunity seekers on peel & stick labels. I will provide you with about 25 different mailing list sources to get your mailing lists from. They charge around $60 per thousand names.

Once you have your printed postcards and mailing list names, you can go to the post office and buy postcard rate postage stamps whenever you need them. You can buy a small amount of stamps, or buy a lot all at one time. It's up to you and your personal budget. 

You'll be earning $50 commissions on every System 1 product you sell with your marketing efforts. You'll also be earning more commissions from all of the other informational products within my catalog. These commissions can help you continue to promote your business. 

 A very unique feature of the Marketing Letter is that it shows an "image of the postcard" on the letter. People will instantly understand that they can mail postcards or letters to build their business. Most people focus on mailing postcards because of several good reasons. However, my Marketing Letter has a powerful attraction that compels prospects to drop everything and go to my website to learn more about this business.

 Marketing Letter 1  Marketing Letter 2
 Marketing Letter 3  Marketing Letter 4
This 4-Page Marketing Letter is a "Mini-Catalog Money-Maker" because it features several products found within my online catalog website. Many people have told me, "If I get to mail that Mini-Catalog Money-Maker Letter, I'm joining now!" Plus, the System 2 Free Postage Stamp Program is featured in the Mini-Catalog Money-Maker Letter. That means prospects will fully understand how receiving a steady stream of free postage stamps will help them build their business.

*OPTIONAL - You can even do this business ONLINE with a Referral Website and the Advertising Toolkit! 

Advertise on-line and off-line with powerful ads
that drive prospects into your Referral Website.

THE REFERRAL WEBSITE: Many people choose to get their own Referral Website setup for them for a one-time cost of $100. This Referral Website gives you incredible flexibility for building your business with offline ads or online ads. People will visit your Referral Website and join the business using your personal ID number.

Referral Website Example

 I'll provide you with several ready-made ads. I'll even teach you a low-cost method for getting other online marketers to email their own list of subscribers and include a link to your Referral Website. Yes, the people on those lists will go to your Referral Website...and many of them will join. I’ve done this myself numerous times and generated thousands of dollars.

Doyle Chambers Advertising Toolkit

 You'll receive a comprehensive System 1 Training Manual which shows you, in complete detail, how to promote your business successfully.

However you choose to promote your business, it can be done according to your personal budget. You decide how much you can spend to build your business.



Here's an OPTIONAL Way to Promote Your Business.
Get Your Own Customized Pre-Sell Website. 

You can use the Pre-Sell Website to promote this Catalog and earn commissions. The important reason for sending your prospects to your own pre-sell website -- is so your prospects will effectively be pre-sold on.

My Pre-Sell Website does an excellent job at getting your prospects to fully understand how the system helps them build their own business. Once your prospects get to the catalog website, they'll use your personal ID Number to purchase products - and you earn commissions. 

Having your own Pre-Sell Website gives you flexibility with using different types of marketing methods.

You can insert the Pre-Sell Website address (URL) into: online advertisements, offline print advertisements, marketing emails, etc.

There are many Online Marketing METHODS for you to use to send UNLIMITED prospects to your Pre-Sell Website.  In fact, you could build your business ENTIRELY ONLINE by using Online Marketing METHODS.

Inside the "Advertising Toolkit" you'll find a HUGE assortment of pre-written ads that are highly persuasive and get people to take action. You don't have to struggle with trying to write ads yourself. The ads have already been "Created For You". These powerful ads are perfect to use for solo ads AND classified ads. You can quickly use these powerful ads to promote your Pre-Sell Website everywhere you can.

Having your own Pre-Sell Website
is completely Optional.

Right now you can see the EXAMPLE Pre-Sell Website that I will build for you. This customized website will have Your Personal ID Number shown at the bottom. Click the button below to see the example Pre-Sell Website.

Example Pre-Sell Website

After you join the Affiliate Income System, you can decide if you would like to have your own Pre-Sell Website. Click the button below for more details.

Get Pre-Sell Website 

** Because I have to spend time and effort setting up and preparing your custom Websites, I charge a small one-time fee. The one-time fee includes: (1) the creation of your own pre-sell website, (2) the creation of your own referral website, and (3) hosting of your websites on my web space for an UNLIMITED TIME PERIOD.


Affiliate Income System Funnel


It’s time to stop dreaming, and start DOING! Others are already doing it now - SO CAN YOU!


Once my quota for a certain number of mailers is reached - this offer will be withdrawn. So to avoid disappointment, act today.



Here's What You'll Receive By Download When You Order:

1. The System 1 product -- "Profit Chains...How To Chain Sales Together For Maximum Profit".

2. The "Affiliate Income System Training Manual"...which shows you -- step by step -- how to profit from this postcard marketing system.

3. Master Copies of the Postcard and Marketing Letter. You can get printing done anywhere you choose. You may want to use the mail order printer I recommend which charges about $60 per thousand postcards.

4. The "Advertising Toolkit" which contains several ready-made ads, and details on how to use them.

5. Several different sources for obtaining Mailing Lists. These good sources can provide "opportunity seeker names" on peel and stick labels. The prices for mailing lists vary from $60 to $90 per thousand names.

Get started making a continuous income stream
from this powerful Affiliate Income System.




Make the Decision to GET STARTED


Don’t talk yourself out of it and let this opportunity pass. NOW...before you leave this page and end up forgetting about it.


Go ahead and place your order by clicking the Add To Cart button below. Please fill out the Order Form with the name and address that you want on your paychecks!


*NOTE: I do not send out a physical package by postal mail. Everything you need is on the Download Page. My affiliates who’ve mailed the postcard love it because it works so fast and they make a nice profit on every sale. My system is real. It works. The proof is in the paychecks I send to people all over the country every other Friday.


Very soon you can be pulling paychecks out of your mailbox every other week.



Phone: 214-326-7296


Doyle Chambers 



Email me for a quicker response to your questions and concerns. Please email me at:

Most of the time I'm away from the phone doing ranch work. Thank you!



Order System 1 and Get Started Quickly!

Yes Doyle! I'm ready to start building a strong income with The Postcard Affiliate Income System. I have read and agree to the purchase agreement and legal disclaimers shown at the bottom of this website.

Postcard Affiliate Income System

Product Item #: STM1

Price: $69.00 

Order By Mail  -or-  Order Online By Credit Card


Buy Now

Everything you need can be downloaded
on the Product Download Page.


All Major Credit and Debit Cards Accepted




I take all the steps necessary to ensure that all of your personal information passes through our ultra secure order form. Please order with the confidence of knowing all your information will be kept confidential and protected. This Online Payment System uses SSL Secure Servers for Safe and Secure Shopping. Privacy Guaranteed.



1+8 Fast Start Plan

Purchase System 1 + System 8 Combined for a one-time purchase price.

This package includes a Special Bonus.

Order Online -or- Order By Mail

Click Here To Learn More 


 Doyle Chambers Giant Package


Time Limited Offers

Join System 8 Get System 11 for FREE

Join System 9 Get System 7 for FREE

Join System 12 Get System 10 for FREE

Buy Referral Website Get Expander 3 for FREE

Join System 2 Get Expander 4 for FREE



Real Cash Flow Funnel








There's More!
Click a BUTTON to
See More Special Offers.

 offer 1  offer 2  offer 3
 offer 4  offer 5  offer 6
 offer 7  offer 8  offer 9





 How Did You Hear
About My Website?

When placing your order, please use the ID Number found on the Postcard or Advertisement that referred you to this website. 

Enter the ID Number into the space
that says
which is located at the bottom
of the Checkout Page
inside my Shopping Cart.




Please DO NOT lose this
very important ID Number found on the Postcard or Advertisement that referred you to this website.


Here's how the Sponsor's ID Number is handled:

In addition to entering your Sponsor's ID Number during checkout within the Shopping Cart process, everyone must Activate their Distributorship.

After someone orders, they will receive an email with a link taking them to the Download Page. On that Download Page, there is an Activation Form.

Everyone must follow this Activation Form to send me all of their enrollment information by email.

They must also send me their Sponsor's ID Number found on the postcard or advertisement.

If a person doesn't give me their Sponsor's ID Number, they can't get their own assigned ID number.

I manually assign all ID Numbers.

The Sponsor's ID Number is carefully handled with the Distributor Activation email process.

Nobody falls through a crack or loses.

Thank you!

Doyle Chambers



 Terms of Agreement: In no way does this make me an employee of Doyle Chambers, and I am responsible for my own Federal, State and Local Taxes. I understand that I am solely responsible for my success in this program; that all commissions paid to me through Doyle Chambers are from the sale of the product; that Doyle Chambers does not guarantee any specific earnings from the Three-Level Publisher’s Profit Plan or from use of the product. I also understand that I am not obligated to market the product and if I choose to market it, then I accept full responsibility for the manner in which I choose to market it. No guarantees as to amounts made or to be made are to be used to entice marketing participants.

Doyle Chambers’ other available systems are optional. However, I can only earn dealer commissions on the specific System products I have actually purchased myself. Unlike most illogical entrepreneurs, Doyle Chambers does not resort to outlandish money-back guarantees and no such policy is expressed or implied. I understand and agree that all orders are final after processing payment and cannot be cancelled for any reason. I agree that I am buying as information only and no sales or income is due or promised.

Void where prohibited by law. Doyle Chambers reserves the right to make changes in this program to comply with all Federal, State and Local Laws. Permission is granted to authorized dealers only to copy, providing no changes are made to this © Postcard and © One-Page-Letter. Your submitted order signifies you fully agree with all terms stated above.

Please note: This course is not refundable. Please do not purchase this product if you intend to request a refund or if you will not be taking action with the course materials. In this product, I share my entire business with you. I cannot allow people to learn this entire business and receive all of the included business materials for free by requesting refunds after they make their purchase. Receiving these business materials for free, by requesting a refund after your purchase would not be fair to me or to the people who have purchased the course. If you have any doubts or reservations about purchasing this product, please do not purchase it until you are ready. This product includes everything that I have personally used to earn a substantial income over many years. I cannot allow people to obtain this entire business for free, by ordering it, downloading all of the materials, and then requesting a refund. Thank you.

Systems are not available to Texas residents AND all foreign countries outside of the U.S.A. and its territories. 


© Copyrights 1989 - 2016, Doyle Chambers - All Rights Reserved.
Reproduction of any part of this site by any means is
strictly prohibited under Copyright Law.



Doyle Chambers Websites Cookies Policy:

To give you the best possible experience, this site uses cookies. Using Doyle Chambers websites means you agree to
our use of cookies. We have published a cookies policy, which you should read to find out more about the cookies we use. View cookies policy



What is your Refund and Guarantee Policy? Many consumers assume that a purchase made with a credit card guarantees the right to return a product. However, as a small-business owner, I have the right to set my own refund policy. All purchases made through Doyle Chambers website are final and there are no refunds. For customers who try to charge back their purchase, I win 100% of those cases due to my clearly stated policy. If it still states a “refund guarantee” on the sales letter, within the sales video, or within the product - it no longer applies. I understand that some people won’t buy this product because there’s a no refund guarantee. This product is only for those who appreciate the real value I’m providing. This really is a valuable step-by-step product for a very reasonable price. You will find my refund policy stated within the "Purchase Agreement" at the bottom of this website. By making a purchase on a Doyle Chambers website, you acknowledge you have read and agree to the Doyle Chambers "No Refund" Policy" within the Purchase Agreement. Thank You!



