You Can Get Traffic To Your Website In Less Than 24 Hours Even If
You've Never Gotten A Single Visitor Before!
Whether You Have $10 or
$10,000 In Your Advertising Budget,
You're About To Learn How To Buy High-Quality Traffic For Your
Traffic Coming To Your Site Within Hours, Not Months!
- No experimental, here one-day-gone-the-next, loop-hole traffic tactics
here. Everything is proven and time tested!
- Multiple traffic methods to rely on, so you never
have to worry about putting all your eggs in one basket!
- Not only will you learn WHAT to do to buy your traffic, you'll
discover exactly WHERE to go to buy it for best results!
Dear Friend,
There's an old saying that goes like this:
"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish
and you feed him for a lifetime."
The thinking here is that it's better to educate someone on how to do
something than it is to do it for them. In other words, the best way to improve someone's circumstances is not
to offer a temporary fix, but to show them how to permanently and repeatedly handle things
While that may hold true in a lot of cases, let's face
Sometimes you'd rather just buy the fish!
Sometimes I like to eat batter-fried catfish. And sometimes I like to
eat a nice salmon meal (much healthier for me). In both of these cases, I don't want to learn how to do it for
myself. I don't want to learn how to catch, clean and cook the catfish. And I don't have the time or desire to
go to Alaska to do the same for salmon.
I'd much rather just walk into a restaurant, place my order and pay
for it. Let someone else do everything necessary to hand me over a plate of food. That's what I want.
It's true that I can teach you how to get free traffic. There are
many ways to get free traffic -- solid, effective ways. But they all require you to "catch, clean and cook" in order to get your plate of
For some, that's fine. They are like my neighbor - loves to fish.
Good for them. Enjoy.
But, let's face it...
Sometimes you'd rather just buy the
A lot of people would rather walk to a site, place an order for
traffic and pay for it. Let someone else do everything necessary to hand them over a bunch of visitors to their
site. That's what they want.
It's for that reason that I'm making available the
GET TRAFFIC NOW course. To show you exactly WHAT to do to "buy" traffic and exactly
WHERE to go to do so for best
Let me explain. . .
Most traffic getting courses, ebooks, videos, and
traffic generation software teach traffic generation methods that take very long amounts of time to actually
start generating traffic. Further, the learning curve to understand some of these traffic methods is quite
extensive and adds even more time to getting them to work.
Even those methods that are easy to pull off and explained in great
detail still take time and effort to implement. If that's something you like, then good for you.
But, if you're like most people, you probably don't have the time
- Add hours of study time to your busy schedule and
- Add more hours to implement that strategy and
- Add even more hours to see results from your
You'd rather just buy the
That is why I'm offering this course:
To help busy people get traffic fast, no matter if their budget is
$10 or $10,000, and even if they have limited knowledge, and tight schedules.
Shockingly, You Really Can Get "Push Button" Traffic!
(But, It's Not What You Think...)
A lot of sites offer "push button" traffic. That is, you buy some piece of
software, push a button and it will generate traffic to your site.
Sounds too good to be true, right? In my experience, it is. I've
never found a piece of software yet that delivered quality traffic on autopilot that didn't rely on "loopholes"
that are closed quickly. And I've been making a full-time living in this industry for more than a
That said, there really is a button you can push to get
all the traffic you want...
It's the "Buy Now" button on a paid advertising
If you want true "push
button" traffic, then just BUY THE TRAFFIC. Push the order button and
let others send you traffic. It's really that easy. It's simply a matter of know where to buy the
Think about
it: if you could spend $10 for traffic
that earns you $20 ... how many times would you do it?
You'd push that button over and over and over
again, right?!
You'd keep buying that traffic as long as it was
making you money. You'd spend not just $10 to earn $20, but $10,000 to earn $20,000. You'd keep pushing that
button as often as possible for as long as it kept generating a profit.
The wonderful
thing about this genuine
"push button" traffic is that there are MANY sources of it.
Here are
just a few of them...
Online Classified Ads
Print Advertising
Blog Network Advertising
Product Reviews Ads
Ads on You Tube
Social Media Ads
Popular Blog Ads
Joint Venture Networks
And that's just the tip of the
If you're looking for effective ways to drive traffic to your site
quickly, then I've got an approach to traffic generation (in fact, 27 of them!) that will get results! I'll
share more about that in just a moment.
But, first, let's play a round of internet marketing
You know the drill: I supply the "answers" and you supply the
Answer: The #1 Thing You Need To
Profit Question: What is Traffic?
Answer: The Hardest Thing To Get Question: What is
If this was a game of Jeopardy, chances are
that's how it would play out.
Instruct internet marketers to list the top asset
they need in order to succeed and the overwhelming majority of them will state "traffic" as their response. Take
it one step further and ask them to identify the asset that is most difficult to obtain and you'll find that the
majority of them will again list "traffic".
Everybody needs it. Most
everybody has a hard time getting it.
Whether your goal is to make money or simply get exposure to your website, you have to generate
The problem
is, most people are working way too hard to get that traffic if they ever get it at all. Here's
1) They are focusing to much on free traffic.
Now don't get me wrong, free traffic is
great. I will gladly take it to my site any day. But for most people it takes them a long
time to generate search engine rankings and traffic from other free sources. It is time
consuming and a long process. It takes time to learn strategies, time to implement
strategies and time for those strategies to start working. If the old adage is true, and
"time is money" then you would be wise to do what the best of the best do. .
. spend your time
and money where you can get the best return. More often than not paid traffic has a
faster and better return for both your clock and your wallet.
2) They are trying
to do everything on their
Trying to get your site to rank in the search engines is long and
tedious work. Managing PPC campaigns, ads, and a dozen other opportunities that
drive traffic to your site can be a full time job in and of itself. Those who are
raking in big bucks and massive traffic know better than to do it all themselves, they
simply pay others to do it for them. Once again they pursue the
avenue that gets them the best return on their time and money.
3) They
burn out and get bored.
As time passes
and you continue to do the dozens and dozen, and dozens of tasks it takes to generate
traffic to your site, you find that you are not really getting to spend the time doing
what you love (working on your business). Instead, you are always working on driving
traffic to your site. This eventually leads to burnout or
boredom. The key
to avoid burnout, is the same key to solving the previous two problems:
your money in traffic so that you can use your time for what you love and for what you
are best at. This will be a much better
return on your money and time in the long run!
Ok, so now
for the good news.
You Can Get Guaranteed
Traffic In 24 Hours Or Less
Whether You Have A Budget Of $10,000 or Just $10
There are many beneficial things about buying
your traffic. One of them is this: traffic is delivered very quickly. Often within 24 hours. Sometimes within
Let me give you a quick
suppose you buy a solo mailing to a large newsletter list within your niche. A spot is available on Friday.
You buy it. Friday morning the mailing goes out. Within minutes traffic can be headed your way. Within 24
hours the bulk of the traffic has arrived. Within 72 hours you've got the full effect of the mailing. If
they archive it at a site or blog, you'll continue to get some trickles for an indefinite period of
The point being - the traffic comes in quickly.
There's no waiting around for weeks or months. The mailing that you paid for goes out and on the same day you
start seeing results.
Again, that's just ONE of the benefits of buying your own traffic.
There are others including..
- IT'S GUARANTEED. You don't have to try to convince JV partners to work with you or get others to
take action. . . you pay for it.
- IT'S QUICK. Some free methods take time to build up -you can buy traffic and have it start coming
as quickly as today.
- IT'S DUPLICATABLE. Your can repeat it over and over. . . if you spend $10 to make $20, just keep doing it
over and over again!
- IT'S VARIED. There are many, many ways to buy traffic. You don't have to worry about if one methods
dries up, you have a variety of other methods that are generating a traffic stream for you.
If you want to take advantage of guaranteed, quick, duplicatable,
and a wide variety of traffic sources then you need to check out this course. . .
Introducing: "Get Traffic
Now" How To Buy High
Quality Targeted Traffic
The entire Get
Traffic Now course is about BUYING traffic. In the
course I share 27 different ways to do so and where to do it.
Here are just a few things you'll discover...
How to find high quality Pay Per Click (PPC)
advertising venues and 11 most popular PPC services including giants like
Google, Yahoo, Bing, and Facebook.
How to find Quality Forums that that accept ads.
Niche forums are some of the best places to buy advertising because your not just
putting your ad in front of a casual one-time visitors, but highly targeted repeat
visitors. Plus get a proven email template you can use to help land your ad in a forum.
Using Press Release Services to drive traffic.
You will find out how and where to find these services, where to find professional
press release writers, and how and where to hire publicity experts,
How to use Co-Registration Companies to buy Email
Ads, and an important reminder that could save you tons of time and money.
Also, you will discover the 4 questions you have to ask before buying your leads from a
co-registration company.
How and where to find effective places to buy Online
Classified Ads and the 7 perks of using premium paid listings, plus a
listing of the most popular classified sites. Lastly, I will share with you 2 key
factors to keep in mind when creating your classified ads.
How to find and buy Offline Advertising with TV, Radio,
and Print Ads. Get tips on choosing the right market location, how to place ads
with related programming, and even outsource your offline advertising. Plus discover
several types of print advertising other than the typical offline print ads.
How to find and use Blog Feed Ads and Blog Network
Advertising and how to get Product Reviews
on Popular Blogs. Discover several ways you can advertise on blogs, 4 benefits
to advertising on a blog, what you need to know before you use paid blog reviews, and
the most popular sites where you can buy product reviews and blog entries.
How to find Video Production and Distribution
Services where can use videos to advertise your business several different
ways, including: posting infomercial-type videos, using "how to" videos, and uploading
viral videos.
How to find and buy Niche Domains with existing type-in
traffic and how to find and buy Established, Highly Trafficked Niche Websites. Get premium
domain name buying advice, using reputable website brokers, and 8 key factors to take
note of when buying pre-owned domains.
How to find Legitimate "Guaranteed Traffic"
sources, finding and Sponsoring Charities and
Events, generating Leads at Trade
Shows, and how to get Listed in Online
Directories. . . all to drive tons of traffic to your website.
- Dozens of clickable links -- you'll discover resources (some well
known and some well kept secrets) for each of the 27 methods for buying traffic!
That's 27 proven ways and dozens of resources that you can put to
use immediately to buy a boatload of traffic for your website all packed
in to a 60-page no-fluff, traffic getting manual.
More Than Just "What" To
I Show You "Where" To Buy Traffic
Over 150 Clickable
Links To Paid Advertising!
One of the things you'll really appreciate about the
Get Traffic Now course is that I revealed dozens of websites where you can buy traffic. That's right,
instead of just telling you WHAT to do (IE Buy banner ads) I also show you WHERE to go in order to buy your
And I don't stop there. While there are more than 150 places to buy
paid ads listed, I also teach you how to find even more yourself! There's no limit as to how many places you can
buy advertising.
I'll teach
you 27 ways to buy traffic and
reveal more than 150 places to buy traffic.
While many of the strategies will have tips for success and even some steps to complete, this is not a "how
to" manual. I.E. If I show you where to buy pay per click ads, don't expect a complete course on how to
setup and manage PPC ad campaigns. There are plenty of great courses out there on that subject -- this isn't
one of them.
This: All It Takes Is ONE Good
Source To Skyrocket Your Traffic
In the course I share 27 ways to buy traffic. And
I reveal more than 150 sites where you can go to buy these different kinds of
If you just use ONE of the sites I share to
traffic this course pays for itself almost
There's virtually no way you can go wrong with
this. If you want to buy traffic, this course will show you where to go to do just
Speaking of money, you now may be asking how many hundreds of
dollars will I have to fork out to get this virtually priceless manual?
Even Though I Know This Manual Is Like An Online Treasure Map To Endless Traffic
Worth A Fortune...You're Not Going To Pay A Fortune For it!
If you have been to my sites before and seen my other products than I
have no-doubt you have heard me say this before. . . I've been making a full-time living online since 2008.
That's a long, long time in internet years.
And I know how things work. I could easily do what some of my
contemporaries have done and charge hundreds of dollars for this traffic manual. After all traffic is the
life-source of a website.
And, in doing so, I'd make a lot of money. But,
many good people wouldn't be able to take advantage of the offer simply because it
wouldn't be in their budget.
SIDEBAR: Listen, I
know. I know what it's like to live paycheck to paycheck. I know what it's like to be deep in credit card
debt. I know what it's like to sink more and more money into empty promises. I know what it's like to be
suckered into buying a high-priced item on an "easy" installment plan. I've been there and I know. Trust me,
I know.
It is for that reason that I am not going to charge the hundreds of
dollars that I could charge for this course. Instead, I'm going to make it a no-brainer, and I'm going to make
it downright affordable for every budget.
The price for The
Get Traffic Now system
is a ONE-TIME payment of just $67.
Order Now And
Get These 4 Bonuses… FREE!
These aren't just "bonuses" thrown in to make it sound like a
better deal. These resources were created specifically for this course ... as supplements. They are
useful and valuable!!
I can’t promise these bonuses will be available forever, but if
you order now you’ll get these goodies for free:
1: The Guide to ROI. In this 10-page report, on what
you should test and track and how to utilize the right tools, procedures, and more. . .
all so you can make sure you are getting the best ROI -RETRUN ON INVESTMENT.
Bonus 2 : 7 Ways to Increase Your Paid Traffic
Revenue. In this 14-page report, You will get seven methods for increasing the revenue on
your paid traffic. This will focus on things like creating a lead-generation product,
increasing your conversion rates, upsells, one-time offers, and more.
Bonus 3 : 7 Ways to Increase Your Paid Ad's
Effectiveness. In this 14-page report, I will show you seven methods I use to increase the
effectiveness of my paid ads. I show you how to use great strategies like using negative
qualifiers, built-in deadlines, arouse curiosity, calls to action and 3 other powerful
Bonus 4 : Toolkit. This 13-page toolkit, is full
of information that will help you excel in your paid traffic generation efforts. You will
get a 7 day weekly schedule checklist, a monthly schedule checklist, and ad
These bonuses could be sold individually for up to $30 EACH
– but order now and you’ll get all 4 for
And these are just the "bonuses".
These are the "icing on the cake". The course itself is a virtual treasure-map to endless
website traffic . The bonuses just make it that much easier to order. So, what are you waiting
Place your order right
Let nothing - absolutely nothing, interfere
with immediate action. A change for the better justifies no delay. Don’t watch others make money
which you can make.
Be up and doing now. Some other time may be too late. Place your order this very minute. Take the
action now - which means more money next month, and then Independence next year. Your moment of
truth comes when you act.
So act now.
Most Sincerely,


Order Now and
Get Started Quickly...
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a strong
income with The
Get Traffic Now System.
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