System 13 Publisher's Profit Plan




Postcard Action Plans

Ready-to-Go POSTCARDS that pay you 100% for in-demand ready-made products...and then EXPANDS with a MULTI-PRODUCT MARKETING FUNNEL to make you even MORE MONEY! 


System 13 Is Now Your Complete Marketing System That Sells Whatever You Want To Promote.

Many people struggle with their own marketing business because they don’t know what to sell, and how to create effective marketing tools that really work to generate consistent sales.  But what if these obstacles could instantly be removed? I’ve already done that for you.

 Postcard Action Plans - Doyle Chambers


I create “postcard systems” that CREATE CASH FLOW and 
LEADS all at the same time.

Hello, my name is Doyle Chambers. For over 35 years, every single day, thousands of dollars in orders flow into my office. I have already generated unbelievable profits with my special products.

One of my top priorities is to SELL THINGS to People. I always recruit harder and better if I have sold something ***FIRST*** to the person.

In a sales transaction, if a person BUYS from you they ...

arrow Learn to trust you ...
arrow That prospect turns into a CUSTOMER ...
arrow Customers become FRIENDS ...
arrow It's EASIER to sponsor a customer than it is trying to rope a stranger into your MLM.

And that's what my courses teach you how to do. First, HOW to sell information systems to people. Then HOW to ***GRACEFULLY***
back-end them into your MLM program.

Most people don't have a true sales process. Enrolling people into your MLM should NOT be the primary focus of your business. In marketing it ís called CONTINUITY.

CONTINUITY ís where after you advertise and sell your “front-end” product, then the system itself SELLS the buyer the back-end products that are $100, $200, $500, or more.

FIRST of all, the POSTCARD sells the $4 Action Plan product with the built-in back-end offer, and then my Online Catalog sells the 2nd, 3rd and 4th products! You earn commissions from multiple products, not just one.

I have created a “true sales system” that can bring you loads of eager Beavers with money in their hands. They buy multiple products, and join your MLM too.

Regardless if whether or not the prospect "joins your MLM Program", you still funded the recruiting exercise with the cash that was made on the front-end retail purchases. You earn money regardless of who joins your MLM.

Here's how the Postcard Action Plans System works for You...

1) You start by mailing a ready-made postcard  to opportunity seeker mailing lists. (These postcards are 2 sided. On the back side of the postcard there is a space for your name, address and assigned personal ID number to be printed.)

2) Serious prospects will send you $4 to receive my ready-made Action Plan report. 

3) When you receive $4 orders, immediately mail the Report information package to your customers. Also, I strongly recommend that you include multiple back-end sales offers to generate more income. You should include information about your MLM program, or business opportunity.

4) Some of your customers will purchase your business opportunity, and/or join MLM program.

5) Because of using this Postcard Action Plans system, your new MLM downline will grow fast...and you'll start earning residual income from your chosen MLM program.

6) Inside of every Action Plan Report is a built-in back-end offer. When your referral customers go to my online catalog website, they'll see and experience how my library collection of systems work together. Many people will choose to purchase several of my other systems...and you earn more money.   *See below to learn more about System 1...


The complete Postcard Action Plan Kit includes 6 components:

1. Ready-to-Print Copy of the 4-Up Postcard (2-Sides)
2. Ready-to-Print copy of the Action Plan Report
3. The "Co-Publisher's Operations Guide" that shows you how to use this complete system to make money!
4. Earn 3-Level commissions on referral sales for Postcard Action Plan Kits.
5. FREE BONUS: System 1 - Affiliate Income System
6.  The "Missing MLM Piece"

What is the Missing MLM Piece? 
One thing that you must include with your MLM Program will determine your success or failure. Apparently most people don’t know - because it’s missing from their MLM Information. This missing component will boost your MLM signup response more than anything else.

You may even choose to become a Co-Publisher for several different Postcard Action you can make even more money. Each of the different postcards promote different Action Plan Reports, which can give you a wider appeal to more prospects. You choose the POSTCARD ACTION PLANS you would like to promote to your prospects. If you have several different Postcard Action Plan Kits, you can include different postcards with your customer order packages as back-end offers. This way you can generate more sales from your customers.





Here’s The Secret How I Built A Big MLM Downline, and then earned a residual income check for over 30 years with one MLM company!

FIRST, I sold a little information report. This gave strangers time to see and touch my high-value information, before they even considered joining my MLM program. Trust isn’t born from, “Hey, look at my website.” Trust is born because you sold them something low-cost, and you over-delivered. My system HOLDS people to you. With this system, prospects actually learn to TRUST YOU. Include any MLM or Business Opportunity program you have when filling orders for the Action Plan report! Then people say, “What is your ID#? I want to join your MLM program.” With this Postcard Action Plans system, YOU will soon become a good MLM recruiter. And, you’ll earn money in multiple ways -- whether people join your MLM or Not!  But many people will join your MLM program!

Behold the REAL POWER of selling a report for $4

The person who is willing to dig into his pocket and send $4 is a very good potential customer for your higher priced money-making offers - that you will include with your Action Plan Report. The price of $4 is a magic price! People who like your postcard won’t think twice about putting $4 into an envelope and send it to you. $4 ends up paying for the cost of the postcard mailings, and the fulfillment of the order. If someone sends you $4, they are sending you an order. In the customer’s mind, if he sent you an order, he is "expectant" - waiting for his order which he paid for to arrive soon. When your mailing piece containing your report, plus the all important back-end offer arrives -- this mailing piece will be treated with great attention by the customer.


Results can be impressive!

By using the Postcard Action Plans approach, I have never seen so much growth with building MLM program downlines. I do something that may go against the grain of other MLM marketers. The MLM audience is literally STARVING for good ways to promote their MLM programs. If you deliver the solution to this problem, you will have it made, both with making money and building your own MLM program downline. 

After you start mailing the POSTCARD, YOUR customers will be sending you $4 for the Action Plan Report. Along with shipping the $4 Report to them, you will simply include your chosen MLM program information and sign-up details.

I have found that - depending on how appealing your MLM program is, generally speaking -- for every 10 Action Plan Reports that get delivered to your customers, about 1 to 3 people will likely join the MLM program. Of course, the greater the response you have from mailing the postcard, the more people will order the $4 Action Plan Report -- and ultimately join your MLM program. 

By mailing the POSTCARD, the $4 SALES and MLM INCOME make it so recruiting all those people costs ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Remember, you are essentially getting paid to promote your chosen MLM program. All those $4 orders, hopefully will end up paying for your postcard mailings. Better yet, depending on how responsive the mailing list mailed to...many times A GROSS PROFIT can be realized over and above costs.

Built-in Back-end Offers

Additionally, consider that there's even more money to potentially earn from the built-in multi-product marketing funnel, which is my Online Catalog Website - Inside of every Action Plan Report is a built-in back-end offer. Whenever your referral cusomers visit my main website, they will see all of my different products. 

FREE BONUS: Along with your purchase of a Postcard Action Plan Kit, you will also receive a valuable free bonus...which is System 1 - the Affiliate Income System. System 1 is carefully engineered to work with my Postcard Action Plan Kits...and help generate the most money for you.

bullet  With System 1 - you earn 40% commissions on referral sales for the catalog products.  (*Learn more about System 1 in my Online Catalog)

bullet  With the Publisher's Profit Plan, you will also earn 3-Level commissions on referral sales for the Postcard Action Plans Kits.

Your referral customers will simply use your personal ID number when ordering products. I send out commission paychecks every other Friday to my Affiliates.

Integrating relevant CASH IN-ADVANCE offers along with your other MLM business opportunity creates an additional income stream...with the same prospects. You'll earn commissions on every product sale you make.

Even if your prospects NEVER join your MLM business opportunity, you have the chance of generating revenue from them when they purchase products on the catalog website...which ends up paying for your marketing expenses!

Many people have asked: "What if I currently don't have anything else to promote to my customers (on the back-end)?" Even if you don't have another MLM Program or Business Opportunity to promote to your customers, you can just mail the postcard and fill the report orders. The strong back-end offers that are already built into the Report are very profitable on their own. The Reports will be working for you to generate sales and commissions for the information products within my online catalog website. Many Co-Publishers are working this system as a stand-alone primary program.


Postcard Marketing Success Stories



System 13 Publisher's Profit Plan

Get into Bigger Cash Flow
with a Little Army of Sales
People Mailing for You!

The Publisher's Profit Plan has been combined with the Postcard Action Plan Kits so you can earn 3-Level Payouts on referral sales.

arrow When You Purchase One Or More Of The Postcard Action Plan Kits, You Are Qualified To Earn 3-Level Payouts On ALL FOUR Tiers.

Tier One: 3-Level Payouts
arrow 1-Kit for $198

Chart PAP 1


Tier Two: 3-Level Payouts
arrow 3-Kits for $398

Chart PAP 3


Tier Three: 3-Level Payouts
arrow 8-Kits for $990

Chart PAP 8


Tier Four: 3-Level Payouts
arrow 20-Kits for $1980

Chart PAP 20


While you sleep, the people you enrolled are advertising and making you money.

Here's a simplified example of referral commission payouts:

What happens in this example?

Doyle Chambers enrolls Maria
Maria enrolls Tom
Tom enrolls David
David enrolls Sherry


arrow Doyle Chambers personally enrolls Maria.
      Maria purchased 1-Kit Postcard Action Plan for $198.

arrow Maria mails the postcard and soon enrolls Tom.
      Tom purchased 8-Kit Postcard Action Plans for $990.
check (Tier 3 – Level 1 Payout) Maria receives a commission of $150. 

arrow Tom mails the postcard and soon enrolls David.
      David purchased 20-Kit Postcard Action Plans for $1,980.
check (Tier 4 – Level 1 Payout) Tom receives a commission of $300.  
check (Tier 4 – Level 2 Payout) Maria receives a commission of $400.  

arrow David mails the postcard and soon enrolls Sherry.
      Sherry purchased 3-Kit Postcard Action Plans for $398.
check (Tier 2 – Level 1 Payout) David receives a commission of $60.  
check (Tier 2 – Level 2 Payout) Tom receives a commission of $80.  
check (Tier 2 – Level 3 Payout) Maria receives a commission of $120.

In this example -- Maria, Tom, David, and Sherry continue earning more commissions on all future referral kit sales down 3-Levels (unlimited width) on ALL FOUR Tiers.

*Note: To understand these example commission payouts, study the payout charts (shown above) for the FOUR different Tiers.   Everyone is simply making a one-time purchase for either the 1-Kit, 3-Kit, 8-Kit, or the 20-Kit. Concerning commission qualification, it does not matter how many kits you personally purchase. No one is required to “UPGRADE” by making more kit purchases. That's not how this works. Even those who just purchase 1-Kit are qualified to earn 3-Level commissions on all FOUR Tiers for referral Kit sales. 

arrow When You Purchase One Or More Of The Postcard Action Plan Kits, You Are Qualified To Earn 3-Level Payouts On ALL FOUR Tiers.




You win by being an "effective marketer"...

First, you are in the marketer's driver seat with the freedom to promote whatever opportunities you wish. With the Postcard Action Plan Kit, you are mailing one or more postcards that sell $4 reports. The postcards do the work to find your prospects, convert them into $4 report customers, and you are able to include your other opportunities with the order shipments!

Your customers order direct from you, so you have their name and address. Later can mail anything you want to your customers, as many times as you want to mail to them. You are a marketer who is in control of your business.

But remember...there are multiple back-end offers built-into the $4 report. Whenever your referral customers order something from my online catalog website, they will use your personal ID number when placing their orders. You earn commissions in many ways on several different products.

Notice that there are several different postcards available with the Postcard Action Plan Kits. By having several different postcards, your marketing capability expands allowing you to reach more people with different postcards. Yes, Co-Publishers will be mailing different postcards, each one selling a different $4 report. This variety of postcards gives you more flexibility and reduces competition between other Co-Publishers. For some people, one Postcard Action Plan Kit will be enough, while other more serious marketers will choose to have the 3-Kit, or even the 20-Kit Postcard Action Plans. The more kits you have, the greater advantage you will have to make money by promoting your other business opportunites.

Your referral customers will be signing up to get my free email newsletter. They will be receiving follow-up email messages for several months. These follow-up email messages will be working for you to generate sales and commissions for the information products within my online catalog website.


The Lesson Learned:


Many years ago, I met a man named Robert who became very wealthy “somehow”. After many months of pleading with Robert to tell me “how” he did it, he finally agreed to reveal his method in exchange for $500 cash.


I was disappointed because I didn’t have such a sizable sum of money. BUT I JUST HAD TO KNOW HIS METHOD.


So I worked at odd jobs for 3 months earning only part of the $500. I had to borrow the rest.


When I gave Robert my $500 cash, he handed me a few sheets of paper on which he’d written down his complete method.


Then he said -“Doyle, I’ve just sold you some very valuable information. What you do with this powerful information is entirely up to you.”


Those few sheets of paper were the turning point for me. Something unexpected happened when I paid Robert my hard earned money. It changed me. Because I paid good money for the information, I respected what the information was ready to give to me.


I took the information within my heart and mind, so I could use it. I now had a clear path to follow. I forced myself to follow each step. With each completed step, I became more confident. It helped me to not only become an accomplished doer, but more importantly -- a finisher.


I really don't believe that Robert's information would have done me any good unless I had paid for the information. When you pay money for something - it has a far greater value than something obtained for free.


Yes, paying Robert my money was one of the best things I've ever done. After acting on what I had learned in those few sheets of paper -- my life changed in countless ways. It made me a powerful finisher of important matters in all areas of my life.




KNOW THIS -- A good idea, plan, system, strategy or method can be fully described on a few sheets of paper. It is not necessary to blow the thing up to a 200 page book filled with puffery or exagerated content. I hope you have “gotten the message”. 


Anyway - who has the extra time to read a long, boring over-inflated 200 page book. Instead, let me give you concise, step-by-step Postcard Action Plans that will cut out all of the guess work and take you to fast results.


During many years I have gathered and organized specific information into workable Postcard Action Plans. I have used these Postcard Action Plans to create success in my own life. NOW - I’m making them available to YOU and others whom I know will benefit greatly. These very affordable POSTCARD ACTION PLANS are specialized, high-value systems.




What price do really good “advertisement creators” charge their clients?

The late Brian Keith Voiles charged his copywriting clients up to $20,000 for his marketing services. Brian was one of the most in-demand direct mail copywriters in America. Brian setup custom designed postcard marketing campaigns for powerful marketers who sold almost every kind of product. Brian said, “I personally used postcards to market my own copywriting service business. My postcards are very simple in design, but the sales message is extremely captivating. With postcards, I was able to directly reach businesses of all types who paid me small fortunes to create their postcard marketing tools. I learned about their businesses and custom-made their marketing plan. I trained them how to use postcards to bring in more customers than their businesses could handle.” 

Consider that it would cost a lot of money to have a postcard or sales letter written by a good copywriter.

BUT NOT HERE!  I can provide you with the best ready-made Postcards that you can effectively use for any business you want to promote. You'll be promoting your business opportunity on the back-end...after you have made a $4 sale from your customers. There's no need to create your own marketing system. Simply use my high-converting Postcard Action Plan Kits to build your own business! Then all you have to do is watch the orders and MLM sign-ups pour in...Almost Effortlessly.

Consider the one-time startup cost to become one of my Associate Co-Publishers for my Postcard Action Plans.

(1) My products have already generated thousands of dollars in revenues for me and my Affiliates.
(2) Droves of people have paid me hundreds of dollars for dealerships on many different products.
(3) You’re getting a “turn-key” direct mail promotion. All you have to do is copy and mail it. Mail just a few a day, or as many as you want!

Understand that my entire system feeds on itself and grows because incentives to make more money are built right into it. When people see how much experience I have as a marketer, they will quickly follow in your footsteps behind you and join several of the systems directly under you. You can benefit the most by joining multiple systems. This is "effective" marketing for everyone.




Place your order right now.


Let nothing - absolutely nothing, interfere
with immediate action. A change for the better justifies no delay. Don’t watch others make money which you can make.


Be up and doing now. Some other time may be too late. Place your order this very minute. Take the action now - which means more money next month, and then Independence next year. Your moment of truth comes when you act. So act now.



  Doyle Chambers


Here's how to get started now:

1. Choose the Postcard Action Plans you want to order:



2.   Place your order using the "Buy Now Buttons" below.


All Major Credit and Debit Cards Accepted




I take all the steps necessary to ensure that all of your personal information passes through our ultra secure order form. Please order with the confidence of knowing all your information will be kept confidential and protected. This Shopping Cart System uses SSL Secure Servers for Safe and Secure Shopping. Privacy Guaranteed.



Below are the actual Postcards you could be mailing to your prospects.








1-Kit Postcard Action Plans

From below, choose 1 Postcard Action Plan Kit. After purchasing this 1 Kit offer, just send me an email and tell me which 1 Postcard Action Plan Kit you want.


Price: $198.00

Buy Now

After you purchase, I will email you the Download Link.
Everything you need can be downloaded on the Product Download Page.









3-Kit Postcard Action Plan

From below, choose 3 different Postcard Action Plan Kits. After purchasing this 3 Kit Bundle offer, just send me an email and tell me which 3 Postcard Action Plan Kits you want. 

You get 3 for the price of 2

Get the "3 Kit Bundle" for a reduced cost of just $398.  3  different Postcard Action Plan Kits sold at $198 each would normally cost you $594 , but you'll save $196.

To be an effective marketer, your goal should be to have several things to offer to your prospects. IF you get setup with 3 different Postcard Action Plan Kits, you can make additional sales with the same prospects. All of your prospects will conveniently look through all of your sales offers, and purchase several of them. You'll be in a strong position to make more money from all of your prospects. You'll be selling to a "hot" market where you can generate a continuous, growing income! 


Price: $398.00

Buy Now

After you purchase, I will email you the Download Link.
Everything you need can be downloaded on the Product Download Page.









8-Kit Postcard Action Plan

From below, choose 8 different Postcard Action Plan Kits. After purchasing this 8 Kit Bundle offer, just send me an email and tell me which 8 Postcard Action Plan Kits you want. 

You get 8 for the price of 5

Get the "8 Kit Bundle" for a reduced cost of just $990.  8  different Postcard Action Plan Kits sold at $198 each would normally cost you $1,584 , but you'll save $594.

To be an effective marketer, your goal should be to have several things to offer to your prospects. IF you get setup with 8 different Postcard Action Plan Kits, you can make additional sales with the same prospects. All of your prospects will conveniently look through all of your sales offers, and purchase several of them. You'll be in a strong position to make more money from all of your prospects. You'll be selling to a "hot" market where you can generate a continuous, growing income! 


Price: $990.00

Buy Now

After you purchase, I will email you the Download Link.
Everything you need can be downloaded on the Product Download Page.








20 Kit Header

By purchasing this 20 Kit Bundle offer, you'll get all 20 Postcard Action Plan Kits. 

You get 20 for the price of 10

Get the "20 Kit Bundle" for a reduced cost of just $1980.  20  different Postcard Action Plan Kits sold at $198 each would normally cost you $3,960, but you'll save $1980.

To be an effective marketer, your goal should be to have several things to offer to your prospects. IF you get setup with 20 different Postcard Action Plan Kits, you can make additional sales with the same prospects. All of your prospects will conveniently look through all of your sales offers, and purchase several of them. You'll be in a strong position to make more money from all of your prospects. You'll be selling to a "hot" market where you can generate a continuous, growing income! 


Price: $1,980.00

Buy Now

After you purchase, I will email you the Download Link.
Everything you need can be downloaded on the Product Download Page.




Choose Your Postcard Kits:







1 Postcard - System 13


 Item #: 1-PAP 











2 Postcard - System 13


 Item #: 2-PAP 











3 Postcard - System 13


 Item #: 3-PAP 











4 Postcard - System 13


 Item #: 4-PAP 











5 Postcard - System 13


 Item #: 5-PAP 











6 Postcard - System 13


Item #: 6-PAP 











7 Postcard - System 13


 Item #: 7-PAP 











8 Postcard - System 13


 Item #: 8-PAP 











9 Postcard - System 13


 Item #: 9-PAP 











10 Postcard - System 13


 Item #: 10-PAP 











11 Postcard - System 13


 Item #: 11-PAP 











12 Postcard - System 13


 Item #: 12-PAP 











13 Postcard - System 13


 Item #: 13-PAP











14 Postcard - System 13


 Item #: 14-PAP 











15 Postcard - System 13


 Item #: 15-PAP 









16 Postcard - System 13


 Item #: 16-PAP 













17 Postcard - System 13


 Item #: 17-PAP 












18 Postcard - System 13


 Item #: 18-PAP 












19 Postcard - System 13


 Item #: 19-PAP 












20 Postcard - System 13


 Item #: 20-PAP 









Postcard Marketing Success Stories...

“How Robert from Idaho used postcards to successfully generate millions in just two years.”

Robert first found out about postcards from a part-time clown, who was also a direct-marketer. This party clown taught Robert how to effectively use postcards. Robert said, “I never thought postcards could work for me. I always thought I had to personally talk and convince people to buy what I was selling.” After Robert started using postcards to market his opportunity business, he couldn’t believe the increase in people joining each month. Not only were people interested in the nutritional products, those people said they joined because they wanted to make money by mailing those same postcards that Robert was mailing. Robert said, “I didn’t anticipate the strong interest that people would have toward using postcards to market a business. I always just talked about the company’s products.” Robert had meetings with his business group and spent a lot time talking about mailing postcards. From there, Robert went on to become one of the top leaders in his business opportunity. Robert said, “I owe my success to mailing those little postcards. They caught on quickly, and my business grew. I was making some very big money in just a short time.”

red 1

“How Mike from Wisconsin turned a little postcard into a business that never stopped growing.”

Mike was a Real Estate Leasing Agent who was getting tired of the runaround and traveling. He met a marketer by chance at a hotel. They struck up the usual conversation that led to Mike learning about the marketer’s business and how he used postcards to find all the new people he needed. Mike said, “I was at a point in my life where I was looking for something new. I joined and started mailing postcards quickly.” Mike went all in. He contacted several mailing list brokers and was mailing over 50,000 postcards every three months. As a result, Mike’s business grew so fast that he had to get help with training the new people how to mail their postcards. Once those new people started mailing their postcards, Mike started moving up in the business, and so did his income. Mike said, “Now I can just stay home with the kids and run my business by talking on the phone. The postcards are doing all the work for me and everyone in my business group.”

red 1

“How Kent from Tennessee marketed his business with simple postcards.”

Kent was a newspaper editor who spent all day writing at a desk. Kent enjoyed his work, but needed more income. One day he received an opportunity publication in the mail. Kent was intrigued by the opportunities. Kent responded to a few ads and soon got involved with a business opportunity. Kent said, “I thought I was going to have to talk to people one-on-one to convince them to join this business.” But his new mentor started teaching him about postcards. Kent was relieved. Kent set a goal to mail 500 postcards a week. Kent said, “It wasn’t very long until people started responding to my postcards. I guess they were also looking for a way to make more money.” Soon, Kent was teaching several people how they could mail postcards to build their business. Once they started mailing their postcards, everything just exploded. Kent’s income was increasing every month. Kent said, "My new hobby is mailing postcards. I just love doing it every day!”

red 1

“How Joe from Pennsylvania became a top MLM Leader using postcards.”

When Joe was 19, he traveled the world as a street magician. He kept on learning more tricks from fellow magicians. By the time Joe was 21 years old, he was putting on shows on the Las Vegas strip. After getting married and having kids, Joe said, “I settled down in New Jersey and became a door-to-door salesman selling anything I could. I was always looking for a new way to make more money.” Then one day, Joe received a postcard in the mail describing a new kind of business opportunity. Joe jumped in and started learning that business from company leaders. Joe said, “Over a short period of time, I became a very powerful postcard marketer. I recruited hundreds of other postcard mailers to work the business”. Joe’s monthly income was staggering. Joe said, “I wonder what my life would have been like if I had ignored that first postcard I received that day.”

red 1

“How Lee from Nevada generated endless business leads with postcards." 

I remember getting Lee’s postcard in the mail. Lee was a very clever postcard marketer. The way he wrote and arranged his postcard layout always intrigued me. Lee said, “One of my postcards was getting a consistent 27% response rate, meaning at least 27 people responded out of every 100 postcards mailed.” This was truly abnormal. But Lee’s copywriting skills was the reason behind this huge response rate. I knew that if could learn from Lee, I could do it too. Lee used postcards to sell many different types of products. I was amazed to see what he was going to try to sell me next. And I usually bought it. Lee’s sales message on the postcard was very convincing, and I had to find out what he had to offer. Lee capitalized on postcard marketing like no one I’d ever seen.

red 1

“How Don from Michigan built a mega network marketing company by using postcards.”

Don kept on mailing postcards to me. I responded to every one of them. Don developed a streamlined mail order marketing system that persuaded most people to join his business. Don said, “I started out mailing just 100 postcards a week, which soon grew into mailing over 35,000 postcards a month. I hired a mailing service company to do all of the postcard mailing so I could focus on the business operations.” Hundreds of new people were joining Don’s business every week. And yes, they all were mailing postcards to build their businesses. It wasn’t long before Don had created several other businesses that he promoted with postcards. Each new business thrived because of Don’s unique approach to postcard marketing.

red 1

“How Gary from Kansas taught hundreds of people to mail postcards.”

I remember getting a special postcard from Gary. He was promoting the products from a hundred-year-old company. This company paid out residual income on several commission levels. Gary developed a complete training system that taught his new recruits to mail postcards and place ads. Gary said, “I knew I had to work extra hard to help people succeed with this business. Just talking to local people wasn’t going to work for most people. That’s why I created an easy postcard recruiting system”. Gary showed people how to be successful by mailing small batches of postcards. Of course, Gary had created a successful postcard through various testing. His postcard was very responsive at pulling new people into the business. All people had to do was mail Gary’s postcard to be successful.

red 1

“How Stephen from Alabama mass marketed his business with postcards.”

Stephen became friends with several well-known marketers who taught him about postcards and lead generation methods. Stephen used about six different postcards to get a steady stream of leads for his business. Stephen said, “I just kept on mailing my postcards day after day. At first there was a trickle of leads coming in. Then after about 2 months of mailing, the lead flow increased. My income started to increase as more people joined the business.” Stephen mailed postcards for years and years. Every few months, I would receive a new postcard from Stephen. He had learned from the big boys that lead generation is what makes you successful with this business.

red 1

“How George from Colorado mailed postcards from his camper trailer and made an income lasting over 50 years.”

One summer day, I remember getting a postcard from George. His postcard was plain looking, but intensely interesting. I read it at least 20 times. There was something compelling about George’s simple postcard. I responded and soon purchased several products from George. On the phone, George said, “I started out mailing postcards from my camper trailer. I had very little money when I started. I only had enough money to mail a few postcards each day. Soon the orders came in for what I was selling. I filled the orders and reinvested into more postcard mailings. Everything just snowballed from there and kept on getting bigger. I was living in a camper trailer, and yet making a great income.” George kept on building and expanding his business that lasted over 50 years.

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“How Brooks from an Oregon farm mailed postcards selling products that earned millions.”

Brooks lived on an Oregon farm far from any big city. Brooks said, “I had the idea that postcards could be used to sell my products. I studied other postcard marketers for a few months. Then I put together a simple postcard campaign selling one of my low-cost products. At first, I mailed a few hundred postcards to try to guage the marketplace. To my amazement, I got several orders from that first mailing. So I started mailing several thousand postcards. I made a few changes to the postcard sales message which drastically increased the response rate. I was convinced that postcards could work for me.” Brooks used postcards for 36 years until he retired from the business. Over that time, Brooks had amassed a customer list of over 400,000 people...all from using postcards.

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“How Stewart from Ohio sold little reports with postcards.”

Many years ago, I received Stewart’s postcard in the mail. He was selling 6 little reports directly on the postcard. I purchased them all. Then I learned about Stewart’s world. He was a serious marketer who had perfected selling methods with postcards. Stewart said, “Long ago, I learned how postcards could generate quick sales and build a targeted list of serious buyers. Once I made the first sale, the customers found out about all of my other products. One sale turned into ongoing repeat sales. All I had to do was mail postcards and fill the orders. Over time, I streamlined my marketing system to work very efficiently.” I learned a lot from Stewart. He was a kind man who shared his knowledge freely.

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“How Terry from Mississippi designed a postcard to sell 5 books.”

Terry was inspired to write 5 different books showing how to solve a major problem. However, she knew nothing about marketing her books. After reading some marketing books at the library, Terry decided she would try to use postcards to sell her books directly to the public. Terry said, “I knew if I couldn’t write a good sales message on the postcard, I would fail. So I started collecting postcards from other marketers who sold similar products. My first postcard attempt pulled in a few orders for my book. But I wasn’t happy with the results. So I changed the sales message on the postcard a little bit each time I mailed out 200 postcards. The sales increased! So I kept on mailing more postcards. Every time a customer bought one book, I sent them a sales message about my other related books. Within 6 months, I went from knowing very little about marketing to operating a prosperous business. And I did it all with mailing postcards.”

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“How Wilson from Nebraska earned millions from his postcards.”

Wilson sold 10 different products by using postcards. All 10 products appealed to one particular market niche. Each product had its own separate postcard. Wilson used all 10 postcards to build a giant customer list. Wilson said, “I had mailed several unique postcards and promoted different products to the same interest groups. Eventually, everyone on my customer list learned about my entire product line, and they eventually bought most of them.” Over 20 years, Wilson kept on adding more products and promoted them to his huge list of customers. Wilson made a fortune by capitalizing on the amazing power of postcards.

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“How Charles from Georgia helped hundreds of people make money with postcards.”

Charles promoted nutritional products for an MLM company. Charles said, “I learned that the best way to introduce new people to the products was by mailing postcards with a simple message. Once people responded, I could explain things in a deeper way. I set them up with a similar postcard so they could start mailing immediately. My method was easy to learn and people loved doing it.” After one year, Charles’ business got the attention of the company president. It wasn’t long before Charles was walking across the stage to accept an award at the annual company convention. Charles had quickly become the top leader in the company, and he did it with postcards.

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“How Art from Oklahoma used postcards to create residual income.”

Art graduated with a business degree and had a corporate job. Art became interested in mail order marketing. Art said, “I joined a business opportunity that had over 100 products. I wasn’t very good with talking to people locally so I created a postcard to do the selling for me. I mailed out the postcard, and the phone started ringing with interested people. I figured out a way that all of them could mail that same postcard to build their businesses. Everyone’s business grew fast. My monthly residual income started to increase. I had learned a valuable lesson. So, I just kept on going with my postcards.”

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“How Mark from Missouri mailed postcards which turned into a lifetime of residual money.”

Mark mailed a business opportunity postcard to a minister in Louisiana. It turned out that this minister already had a mailing list of several thousand people. After the minister mailed the same postcard to that list, Mark’s business exploded. People were joining every day. Mark said, “I couldn’t believe that one postcard mailed to the right person would cause so much business activity. That minister’s mailing list generated so many sales that the president of the business opportunity called me to find out what was going on. I didn’t tell him the full story. I used to be skeptical about using postcards to build a business. Now, I’m a believer! My monthly residual income just kept growing.”

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“How Linda from Arizona sold one product to over 6 thousand people by using postcards.”

Linda put together one special product to teach marketers how to build their businesses. Linda said, “After several failed attempts with other marketing methods, I tried postcards. In the beginning the response was no so good. So I made two adjustments to my postcard sales message. It worked! My phone was ringing day and night with people telling me they were ordering. My group ended up mailing that same postcard. The business grew and I made a lot of money over 4 years. The opportunity changed, but so did I. I modified and kept on earning more money with new opportunities.” Linda was well-respected and had many followers who loved her. She helped a lot of people with her postcard marketing business.






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System 13 & Three-Level Publisher’s Profit Plan
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