What If You Could Get Lots Of People To Quickly Send Hundreds, Or Even Thousands Of Postage Stamps To Receive A Desperately Needed Product?

Would All Those Postage Stamps Help You Mail More And Grow Your Mailing Business?

 George Washington Postage Stamp

Imagine how your mailbox will overflow with FREE postage stamps...after simply mailing my powerful Sales Letter that will draw the Postage Stamps in from EVERYWHERE!!!... continuously...over and over again Generating More and More Postage Stamps for YOU!


Would you like to have droves of people line-up and beg to send you their postage stamps for a ready-made in-demand product?

Yes, I certainly do have the product that can do just that (and the marketing materials to go with it). I’ve already generated thousands of postage stamps with this product.

This product has a high perceived value - and is extremely well received. This product can generate continuous amounts of postage stamps for you. 


It’s my special report called

It teaches you all about marketing and other important life matters. And, to make a long story short, it gives you the BIG PICTURE - in intricate detail - on how to succeed in multiple arenas of life and business. Not only is it unbelievably motivating, but it gives you detailed road-maps to follow.

I’m giving you the opportunity to sell this perfect ready-made-product so you can generate hundreds, or even thousands of postage stamps to use for your mailings.



You receive postage stamps on THREE LEVELS when individuals like yourself send postage stamps for my System 2 product. 

3-level System 2 Comp Chart


With my Three-Level Free Postage Stamp Plan, you’ll earn 60 Postage Stamps on Level One from your own efforts.

Then you’ll be applying massive LEVERAGE while earning 80 Postage Stamps on Level Two -- and 100 Postage Stamps on Level Three from the efforts of possibly hundreds of people.

That's Powerful!


NOTE: All postage stamps earned from this 3-level plan are based on the sales of my product.



1-   As an Authorized Dealer For "The Free Postage Stamp System" - Here's What You’ll Do:

Mail out this sales circular to any mailing list. You could place your circular as a full page advertisement. You could have a reliable company print and mail thousands. Include this circular in every envelope you mail. The more circulars you distribute, the more stamps you could receive. The number of stamps you’ll receive will be dependent upon your efforts.

2-  Here’s What You’ll Receive:

1. A ready-to-print copy of the One-Page Letter that sells this offer.

System 2 One Page Letter

2. Dealer Kit with Your Authorized Dealer Number.

3. Powerful Report entitled: "The Big Picture" and many other special marketing training products.

3-  Here’s What To Expect:

The cost of stamps keep rising. Yet, predictions indicate the Mail Order Marketing will continue to boom! Like you, lots of people who see this program will join us -- and soon have hundreds of stamps to significantly increase their mailings. Mass mailers will jump at the chance to get an abundance of free stamps. They will sign up quickly.



The sooner you join us, the sooner the mail carrier will be bringing you lots of free postage stamps.

I hope you realize that this stamp program can get you more FREE stamps than some people would know what to do with. This program will help the little mailer become a big mass mailer.

With just a FEW ORDERS, you’ll have you startup costs back!


Included with the "Free Postage Stamp System" is my special report called "The Big Picture" and a Master copy of the Sales Circular so you can start getting lots of FREE POSTAGE STAMPS.

Order the Free Postage Stamp System now for just $197.00 and instantly downoad everything in just moments.



Place your order right now.


Let nothing - absolutely nothing, interfere
with immediate action. A change for the better justifies no delay. Don’t watch others make money which you can make.


Be up and doing now. Some other time may be too late. Place your order this very minute. Take the action now - which means more money next month, and then Independence next year. Your moment of truth comes when you act.


So act now.


Most Sincerely,

         Doyle Chambers


Doyle and tractor pic


72-Hour Special Offer

 Join System 2 and
get Expander 4 for FREE.

That's right! You get Expander 4 at no additional cost. (You save $97)

Expander 4

 "Newspaper Advertising Cash Builder System"
(valued at $97)

See Expander 4 

*NOTE: After you have first purchased System 2, then I'll send the Expander 4 product download link to you by email.

Act Now and Save Money! 


*Please understand that by not purchasing System 2 within 72-Hours, you'll miss out on this special offer. You only have one chance to get the special bonus product.
In 72-Hours, this offer will be
 gone. Place your order right now!



Order Now and
Get Started Quickly...

Yes Doyle! I'm ready to start building a strong
income with
The Free Postage Stamp System. I have read and agree to the purchase agreement and legal disclaimers shown at the bottom of this website.

System 2 Blue Cover 

Product Item #: STM2

Price: $197.00

Order By Mail  -or-  Order Online By Credit Card


Buy Now

Everything you need can be downloaded
on the Product Download Page.


All Major Credit and Debit Cards Accepted




I take all the steps necessary to ensure that all of your personal information passes through our ultra secure order form. Please order with the confidence of knowing all your information will be kept confidential and protected. This Online Payment System uses SSL Secure Servers for Safe and Secure Shopping. Privacy Guaranteed.



Time Limited Offers

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Join System 9 Get System 7 for FREE

Join System 12 Get System 10 for FREE

Buy Referral Website Get Expander 3 for FREE

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What is your Refund and Guarantee Policy? Many consumers assume that a purchase made with a credit card guarantees the right to return a product. However, as a small-business owner, I have the right to set my own refund policy. All purchases made through Doyle Chambers website are final and there are no refunds. For customers who try to charge back their purchase, I win 100% of those cases due to my clearly stated policy. If it still states a “refund guarantee” on the sales letter, within the sales video, or within the product - it no longer applies. I understand that some people won’t buy this product because there’s a no refund guarantee. This product is only for those who appreciate the real value I’m providing. This really is a valuable step-by-step product for a very reasonable price. You will find my refund policy stated within the "Purchase Agreement" at the bottom of this website. By making a purchase on a Doyle Chambers website, you acknowledge you have read and agree to the Doyle Chambers "No Refund" Policy" within the Purchase Agreement. Thank You! Systems are not available to Texas residents AND all foreign countries outside of the U.S.A. and its territories.