This Upfront Cash Postcard Marketing System can provide you with practically unlimited capital to promote anything you choose to sell...

I Can Plug You Into An UpFront Cash Postcard System That Consistently Generates Daily Cash And Reels-In All The People You Need To Build And Sustain Your Ever-Growing Business!

Upfront Cash Postcard



Most likely, all of these points are TRUE statements concerning your past efforts:

1. You have lost money on advertising before.

2. You never know until afterwards if your ad will work or not.

3. The cost of advertising slows you down.

4. If you had an unlimited advertising budget, you could make the kind of money you need.


People who fail don’t have enough cash flow coming in to be able to effectively continue with their business. This is especially true during the extremely critical start-up period of any business. If a person can’t make it over that “hump”, they’re doomed to failure.

In order for a promotion of your business to cost you nothing, it would have to PAY FOR ITSELF -- right? In other words, it would have to be “SELF FUNDING”!

The way to make all the money you want in ANY business would be with a SELF FUNDING PROMOTION. Think about it.

What if you could make other people pay your advertising costs?

Just imagine how many prospects you could reach.

With an unlimited advertising budget, you could literally get your sales message out to the world. Everyone would know about your business.

Your name would be FIRST in the minds of the people who matter most - your customers!

A mass advertising campaign would suddenly be available for you to use as you saw fit.

Customers would respond in droves. And you’d never again have to say, “I can’t afford to advertise there!” Net result? Your business would turn into one giant cash register.

...Sound like a dream?

For most people that’s all it is. But it doesn’t have to be that way for you. Not if you know how to use Upfront Cash Strategies the way I will teach you.



Let’s start with what it isn’t...

» It’s not a form of free advertising. Most free advertising is only free because it wasn’t worth anything to begin with.

» It’s not a Co-Op where you get together a group of people to all “go in” on an ad - and then split the cost.

» It’s not a back-end, follow up offer.

» And it doesn’t have anything to do with Discount Advertising or any other form of cost cutting bundles. 

An Upfront Cash Postcard Strategy does so much more than just pay for itself. It pays for the continued growth of your business. A true Upfront Cash System actually brings you a continual income stream JUST FROM THE ADVERTISEMENT ITSELF!

Did you understand what I just said? An Upfront Cash System brings you continual income just from the advertisement itself. 

Have you ever heard of getting paid to advertise?

An Upfront Cash Postcard Marketing Strategy makes you money 3 different ways:

1. It saves you the “out of pocket” expense of paying for all your own advertising. Say you were promoting a $300 product. Normally you’d have to target your market, select the appropriate media and then pay the cost of advertising out of your own pocket. An Upfront Cash System does away with all that.

2. An Upfront Cash System gives you a continuing income stream above and beyond what you can expect from the sale of the actual product you’re using the Upfront Cash System for in the first place.

Let me make this clear...there’s the Upfront Cash System -- and there’s the product you are promoting. YOU MAKE MONEY OFF BOTH!

3. An Upfront Cash System increases sales over any other form of advertising. You will automatically achieve a higher conversion rate of turning inquiries into sales.

It works better than any other method of advertising you can possibly offer. The reason for this is -- the Upfront Cash System establishes the best possible selling relationship.

Where your normal sales message is limited due to the cost of advertising space, an Upfront Cash System gives you as much time as you need to communicate your unique selling advantage. And the beauty of all this is the prospect is paying for it!



A Ready-Made, Done-For-You Upfront Cash Postcard Marketing Campaign that includes:
» Resellable Report
» Promotional Postcard that sells the Report
» Postcard Mailing Instructions


You can use this READY-TO-GO UPFRONT CASH POSTCARD MARKETING CAMPAIGN to help build your chosen MLM business, or sell any product you want to promote on the back-end.

This system is the easiest, most honest method for making hundreds of dollars each and every week. Too good to be true! Think again. This system averages us only about $1,225 a month – but that’s pretty good considering we only work it on Saturdays for two hours. We have set up a few friends with this system, and they all receive from $500 to $700 per month working it in their spare time. That is an accurate figure. 

You can copy our success and do the same. Along with your purchase, you’ll also receive FREE Reprint and Resale Rights for the Resellable Report...and a
ready-to-print promotional postcard. Orders come
directly to you – and

You can easily sell this AMAZING REPORT and start getting cash and money orders FAST...just by owning and operating this easy business two hours a week. Simply put, we’ve created a phenomenal cash producing system that is in explosive demand and the supply of buyers is unlimited! Thousands of people will also want to learn these 9 secret marketing techniques devised by a 25-year master marketer.

PICTURE IF YOU WILL -- CASH AND MONEY ORDERS SPREAD ALL OVER YOUR KITCHEN TABLE...JUST REMOVED FROM TODAY’S MAIL! You will hardly believe your eyes seeing all the cash orders you’ll get every day.

Here's an enlarged picture of the actual Upfront Cash Postcard you can use to get immediate CASH FLOW


Upfront Postcard Cash

Now, I’d like to tell you a "postcard marketing story" on how this all works together so you can understand it on a deeper marketing level

John had a failing information selling business. John was creating sales for his products, but he wasn’t making a profit. Then John started doing things differently by creating his own upfront cash postcard system -- which sold a 12-page report for $8 directly from a postcard.

After mailing 1000 postcards, the $8 orders started to come in. After 45 days from when John first started mailing postcards, he received 70 orders, which is a 7% response.
$8 x 70 orders = $560.

When John filled the $8 customer orders for the little report, within the shipment package he also included a sales letter for a $69 product. Then over the next 2 weeks - 24 of John’s customers also purchased the additional $69 product. 24 orders x $69 = $1,656.

But wait, John included yet another $97 product sales letter along with the order fulfillment ($69) shipments. Within 10 days, John received 7 orders for $97.
That’s 7 orders X $97 = $679.

Let’s review: $560 + $1,656 + $679 = $2,895 Gross Profit.

John’s cost to mail 1000 postcards was near $500 (including postage, printing and mailing list). Now let’s subtract the $500 for mailing expenses and $50 for order fulfillment cost. $2,895 - $550 expenses = $2,345. After all expenses have been subtracted, that leaves John with a net profit of $2,345.

That’s $2,345 NET PROFIT.

Does it work this good all the time?  No, but many times it does work even better. And remember, John has added a total of 70 new customers to his customer mailing list that will most likely buy again from him in the future. IF John simply mails more follow-up offers to them, then more sales can be generated from these 70 customers.

In addition to all of these sales, John got 14 new MLM associates signed up into his growing MLM business. John promoted his chosen MLM program on the backend...simply by including the MLM information within the order fulfillment packages. With this upfront cash system, John makes multiple product sales...and effortlessly builds his MLM business at the same time!

(*Note: I’ve had response rates as high as 21% on postcard mailings that sold little $8 reports.)



Why do you need an Upfront Cash Postcard System? 


Because it’s the only way you can be sure to make money -- not lose it.

 UPFRONT CASH Postcard System


You need a constant flow of new customers.

That’s what makes the cost of advertising such a problem.

How are you supposed to make a profit when it costs so much money to advertise?

Currently you have to come up with the money out of your own pocket each and every time you advertise. It’s a risk...a risk you “believe” you have to take if you want your business to grow.

But I’ve got news for you. If you know how to do it correctly, it’s virtually a sure thing that you’ll make money.

The real solution is to eliminate the cost of advertising while still getting the benefits of what advertising can do for you.


Get rid of the cost and you’ve eliminated your risk. Otherwise, the cost of advertising alone can kill your business or money-making program.

Lack of capital is the single biggest reason for business failure. So why not attack the problem of your advertising costs before it attacks you?




Doyle Chambers

Hello, my name is Doyle Chambers and in some ways I’m a lot like you. I struggled and struggled to make money. All I wanted was a little more control over my lifestyle. In 1989, I made the decision to seriously work my little business, and do whatever was necessary to make it successful.

The first year, I worked long and hard with my advertising approach. I consistently lost money. In fact, I lost thousands of dollars doing advertising the wrong way. 

The biggest frustration I had was the lack of critical information or techniques which applied exactly to my situation.

Everything I read either assumed I had unlimited cash, or acted like making money was easy.

I’d go through whole books and maybe find a few paragraphs which vaguely related to what I was going through.

I finally came to the startling realization that the individual small businessperson like myself was basically left in the dark on purpose.

Most of the “how-to” information we get offered is only meant to get our money. Not help us! And if you’re wondering if I’m right, just look at a few pages of ads in any business opportunity magazine.

There’s a big difference between what really works in advertising -- and the type of so called “solutions” you and I are routinely offered.

So what I did was carefully study what the most successful, highest earning marketers actually did...NOT WHAT THEY SAID THEY DID!

What I discovered is as fascinating as it is exciting. I’ll give you one hint...
successful businesspeople do not pay for their own advertising.

PAYING FOR ALL OF YOUR OWN MARKETING EXPENSES IS FINANCIAL SUICIDE. long as all of the money for advertising is coming out of your own pocket, you are at risk. Maybe you’ll make a profit...and maybe you won’t.

But the question you have to ask yourself is - can I afford to lose?

Here’s an even better question...

What is the value of an advertising system which shows you how to take all the risk out of your own advertising?

The "Upfront Cash Postcard System" shows you -- step by step -- how to create and profit from your own system. It’s simple, direct and easy to use. For the first time, you’ll be able to consistently make the money you need to grow your business and promote anything you choose.

The Upfront Cash Postcard System will give you the “down to earth” information you’ve always wanted to know in order to consistently make a profit.

You get simple solutions to the most common advertising problems all individual small businesspeople face.

Never again will you feel like you’re struggling to “catch-up” with what’s really working in your business field. This system gives you exactly what you need to make more money at what you’re already doing.

You’ll discover how to consistently make a profit even though you’re under capitalized... how to economically test your ideas so you can weed out what’ll work... and how to increase the number of customers you sell to.

 This system saves you from wasting your money. It takes the mystery out of your advertising decisions.

Learn what works and what doesn’t... and what to avoid...

Learn how to uncover a virtual gold mine of hidden assets and missed opportunities you’ve overlooked in your business which are just sitting there...

Learn how to create Upfront Cash Postcard Systems for any business or program you choose - no matter what it is...

Learn how to devise, formulate and execute your own Upfront Cash Systems from scratch...

You’ll get all this and much, much more when you purchase the "Upfront Cash Postcard System".

The "Upfront Cash Postcard System" is totally unique. It’s the first of its kind. Why? Because it exclusively addresses your advertising problems and solves them!

There’s never been such a wickedly effective advertising method designed for the individual small businessperson. The "Upfront Cash Postcard System" takes you “over the edge” -- to the success you deserve!



Here's What You'll Receive When You Order:

1. The Upfront Cash Postcard System that shows you -- step by step -- how to create and profit from your own upfront cash marketing system.

2. A Ready-Made, Done-For-You Upfront Cash Postcard Marketing Campaign that includes:
» Resellable Report
» Promotional Postcard that sells the Report
» Postcard Mailing Instructions

Start making a continuous income stream...and build a big list of hungry repeat customers.



Place your order right now.


Let nothing - absolutely nothing, interfere
with immediate action. A change for the better justifies no delay. Don’t watch others make money which you can make.


Be up and doing now. Some other time may be too late. Place your order this very minute. Take the action now - which means more money next month, and then Independence next year. Your moment of truth comes when you act.


So act now.


Most Sincerely,

         Doyle Chambers


Doyle and tractor pic



28th day price increases


On the 28th Day of this same month,
the price will be INCREASED to the
regular price of $397.00!




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Get Started Quickly...

Yes Doyle! I'm ready to start building a strong
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The Upfront Cash Postcard System. I have read and agree to the purchase agreement and legal disclaimers shown at the bottom of this website.

Upfront Cash Postcard System Cover 

Product Item #: STM7

Price: $247.00

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What is your Refund and Guarantee Policy? Many consumers assume that a purchase made with a credit card guarantees the right to return a product. However, as a small-business owner, I have the right to set my own refund policy. All purchases made through Doyle Chambers website are final and there are no refunds. For customers who try to charge back their purchase, I win 100% of those cases due to my clearly stated policy. If it still states a “refund guarantee” on the sales letter, within the sales video, or within the product - it no longer applies. I understand that some people won’t buy this product because there’s a no refund guarantee. This product is only for those who appreciate the real value I’m providing. This really is a valuable step-by-step product for a very reasonable price. You will find my refund policy stated within the "Purchase Agreement" at the bottom of this website. By making a purchase on a Doyle Chambers website, you acknowledge you have read and agree to the Doyle Chambers "No Refund" Policy" within the Purchase Agreement. Thank You! Systems are not available to Texas residents AND all foreign countries outside of the U.S.A. and its territories.