system 8 publisher's profit plan 

Make Money Using My Powerful
Three-Level Publisher’s Profit Plan.

Just Mail A Few Postcards Each Day And
Generate A Steady Stream Of Income.

I Send Out Real Paychecks Every Other Friday
to My Successful Dealers... And You Can
Get Your First Paycheck Fast!





An Open Letter
from Doyle Chambers

When I was in the military, I was trained on highly complicated communications equipment. Because the technology was top secret, I was locked in a vault for 6 hours a day. That lasted for 8 months. One piece of equipment had over 4,000 moving parts and inter-faced with banks of electronic circuit boards. There were over 200 mechanical adjustments that had to be made. If the tolerances were off by a small margin, the whole thing would not work.

After being trained, I was then transferred to Travis Air Force Base in northern California. It was the largest base on the west coast. It was known as the "GATEWAY TO THE EAST".

With my job duties, I had to repair and maintain the communications equipment located at all of the communication centers. I'd often get called out at 3AM to go figure out what was wrong with the machines. I had to fix them immediately. There was a lot of pressure on me.

In my fourth year in the military, I was chosen to serve in the NCMO. That stands for Navigation Communications Management Office. I was trained to manage and oversee basically everything on the entire military base, except for the aircraft.

I sat in the NCMO office -- by myself -- from 4PM until 12AM for five days a week. There were 7 black phones and 2 red phones. One of the red phones connected me directly with the base commander. The other red phone connected me directly with a major satellite defense contactor located 80 miles away.

The black phones rang continuously. I had to answer the phones by myself. The large command room was surrounded by white boards that I had to write on. I had to manage and keep track of all the maintenance being performed on Flightline Radar, Radio, Communications Equipment, the Air Traffic Control Tower, and the Satellites up in space. This job was very difficult, and the pressure was intense. Many times I had to wake up the base commander in the middle of the night to give him an urgent briefing. I became very good at this job. I had to work in this office for 13 months. I was very glad when it was over. I was only 21 years old.

After being honorably discharged from the military, I worked at several electronic corporations near Dallas, Texas. One corporation had a Russian Nuclear Physicist who escaped from Russia. I worked directly with this man to develop new equipment used for treating breast cancer at Baylor University.

This is only a small part of my resume. I'll spare you from the rest.


I've been building marketing systems for over 24 years. I've seen everything and done everything with marketing strategies.

BUT something very special happened in 1993. I and many others experienced great success with one sensible marketing system. Unfortunately, the owner ended everything after about a year -- and ruined it for everyone.

That simple system has haunted me for 20 years.

Yes, I've had many exceptional successes with many businesses. But - I've never seen so many people make so much money so quickly than with that one brilliantly simple system.

With ALL of my past experiences and abilities -- I have worked to re-create that unique system once again.

Frankly, I'd been considering
re-creating that system for many years -- but I did not want to take on the burden of it all.

Even though the system is simple for participants, for me to set it all up was a GREAT TASK. There were many problems that had to be solved. The technical infrastructure for this system is put it mildly.

But I made the decision to do it - and here it is. I believe that after you take a closer look, you'll see that nothing even comes close to it.


Most people today are never able to create a substantial income - because their income is limited to only their efforts. They are simply trading their hours of work for someone else’s dollars.


As long as your income is limited to what you can personally earn with your own two hands, then creating wealth will be difficult - if not impossible.


The Billionaire J. Paul Getty said it best,

“I’d rather earn 1% from the efforts of a hundred people than I would a 100% from my own efforts.”

Read that again. Let it sink in.

He’s talking about LEVERAGE.

It's all about what you can do for others
and how well you can attract and build
your own network of people.

This network can give you the applied
LEVERAGE that you need to earn more money.


The Network is the MODEL.

Corporate people and business owners understand how important it is to build a network of people. Most of us don’t even realize that we all have networks of people that we’ve developed throughout our lives.

For example -- if you work for a company, you contribute in some way to build their network.

But who benefits from that network?

YES, it's the company owners who get wealthy because of this network.
Here's a business model based on a corporate pay structure.

Level 1 - the working people who build and sell the product.

Level 2 - the management team that manages it all.

Level 3 - the OWNERS of the company.

There are only 3 levels in this traditional corporate payout structure.

Everyone (at every level) is involved in building a large network.

Realize that this network makes the company owners very rich at the top level of the payout structure. Those at the lower levels earn less money.


So…here’s the important question.

Are you going to continue to make somebody else rich by building their network?

Or - are you going to change the way you do things?
100 years ago, 75% of the population was self-employed. What do you do when you’re self-employed? You create a network of people who labor to create the product -- and people who do the selling. You make more money by owning your own business and creating your own network.

Most businesses require too much money to start up. That’s the problem for most people. However, the money to start this business is very small, compared to thousands of dollars it would take to set up any kind of traditional business. 


Let’s talk about the importance of $1,000.

If you were to take away $1,000 from the people in America, what do you think would happen to them? Many of them would lose their homes or cars. Many of them could not endure the sacrifice of losing $1,000 out of their budget.

Consider that if it’s that important to not lose $1,000, how much more important is it to gain $1,000 or more?

What would an additional $1,000 or more do for those same people?

If you work to build your own network of people with this business, you could earn a whole lot more than $1,000.

The good news is -- you can continue to work at your current occupation while you're building your network.


Hello, my name is Doyle Chambers.

Every single day, thousands of dollars in orders flow into my office. I have already generated unbelievable profits with my special products.

These products:
(1)...are in high demand and have a great interest to almost everyone.
(2)...are extremely well received.
(3)...have a high perceived value.
(4)...are already manufactured and ready to sell with no hassles.
(5)...are proven to make money.

Many people struggle with their own marketing business because they don’t know what to sell, and how to create effective marketing tools that really work to generate consistent sales.

But what if these obstacles could instantly be removed?

I’ve already done that for you.

As a 20+ year master marketer, I understand exactly
what many new marketers want and need:

a “ready-to-make-money-now pre-packaged, everything included simple fast start dealership system”

-- which also includes low-cost marketing tools that work,
and straight-forward instructions. Yes, everything
is handed to you
 on a silver platter.



My Three-Level Publisher’s Profit Plan is the Real Alternative for Failing Marketer’s - because of:

♦ One-Time-Purchase. No ongoing monthly purchases.
♦ You AUTOMATICALLY BECOME A DEALER with the purchase of my System 8 product.
♦ This 3-Level structure provides for FASTER AND LARGER INCOMES than other programs.
♦ Just mail a few postcards each day and Generate a Growing Stream of Income.

I have a business model
here that is based on the
same 3 level corporate
payout structure.

Executive Dealers can
share in the profits that
their dealers produce.

You receive commissions on three levels when individuals
 yourself purchase my System 8 product.
All commissions earned from this 3-level plan
are based on the sales of
 my product.



What's in your mailbox?

It's exciting to get
your commission checks!


With my Three-Level Publisher’s Profit Plan, you’ll be earning $50 on Level One from your own efforts.

Then you’ll be applying massive LEVERAGE while earning $60 on Level Two
and $100 on Level Three from the efforts of possibly hundreds of people.

That's Powerful!


You will be assigned a Personal ID Number for you to put on your postcards. You simply mail postcards and I’ll handle everything else for you.

Your referred people must use your ID Number to submit their orders. All orders will come directly to my company - you will not be bothered with them. My computer tracking software keeps track of all the money from orders received, and paychecks are mailed out every other Friday.


You start out by mailing my System postcard or sales letter to opportunity seekers. The more dealers you get, the more money you can make. Thousands of marketing enthusiasts are looking for fast selling offers like mine.

Recruit 50, 80, even 100 dealers.

After that, you never have to spend a cent on mailings. Just sit back like a marketing executive and collect money from the work others do. Since I fill all customer orders, you can relax and
take the day off...every day.


So…what is the
System 8 product?




“What If Everything You Thought You Knew About Making Money Online Was Flat Wrong, Totally-Way-Off
...And Has Been A Huge Lie?"

Most people don't realize they are being falsely led...manipulated and sent in the wrong directions...on purpose.

For most people, it’s very frustrating. They believe they could do this business -- if only they had the real answers.

Do you have that fire in your gut and it’s pushing you forward to succeed? 

If you want to finally start making money from home, you need to get your hands on the right information. You need the correct steps -- that work.

FINALLY!    Here’s Your exact-steps for setting up the real Money Machine. When You See This System In Action -- And See That It’s Real...Then You’ll Be Inspired To Take Action!

I've teamed up with several successful marketers to create this System 8 product. Our specialized training was combined together to create one comprehensive system.

 Inside System 8, You'll Discover:

♦ Discover The Step-By-Step "Anatomy Of Money Machines System" and the plain truth about how real people are making big money -- and how you can too.

♦ Get your hands on 12 tutorial videos that walk you through everything, point-by-point (the real nuts and bolts insights)

♦ Taught to you by Eric ??? - a real million dollar marketer.

♦ Discover how Eric helps his clients go from losing money to making Big Money fast.

♦ After 7 years of testing and research, this super-successful-marketer reveals the complete process to generate passive income quickly.

♦ Includes a comprehensive training manual (over 110 pages teaching extreme marketing methods)

I know that most people out there are good, honest, hard working people. All they want to do is supplement their incomes or earn a full-time income -- yet they continue to fail over and over again.

The reason most people out there fail is because they never get good at working one system for making money. They never get proficient with ONE system. Most people are too busy wasting time chasing magic buttons and looking for needles in haystacks.

There are no magic buttons, yet that is what the majority are looking for. They are lost and confused. Just the fact that you're reading this letter tells me you are still searching for more income...and more freedom.

Hello, my name is Doyle Chambers. Since 1989, I’ve been a full-time marketer. How did I make it all happen?

The truth is -- I changed myself on the inside.

Over many years, I’ve seen it all...every excuse and barrier to success you can think of. I’ve paid close attention to understand how some people fail in this business...and how some people succeed.

I want to give you the 5-Step Formula that I used to overcome all of my own excuses and barriers to create real success.

Please do not take this lightly. These 5 Steps are extremely powerful when put into action. IT CAN CHANGE YOUR FINANCIAL LIFE...FAST.


Step One:

Realize that if you want to earn a substantial income, you need a money machine.

This money machine is busy working hard, sweating away...producing income for you...even if you are not working at all.

Imagine waking up in the morning and checking to see that hundreds of dollars showed up last night while you were asleep dreaming away. Do you “Believe” this is possible for you?

It is. In fact, some people do it through investing in stocks or other income producing investments (dividends).

I’m not saying invest (which is a good idea). What I am saying is -- create a money machine that works for you.

With investing, you are putting your money to work for you. Your dollars are like little soldiers. You have an army of soldiers (dollars) out there working and fighting on your behalf...24 hours a day.

Well, with a money machine of your own, that machine is busy working away and bringing in endless money.

Although this sounds simple, it’s not simple. If it was -- everyone would do it.

To succeed at creating your own money machine, you have to commit! You have to do step 2.



Step Two:

You must invest in yourself. You have to put skin in the game to win and make big money. You are not going to find success by searching everywhere for free stuff.

By doing that, you convince your mind that nobody will ever spend money with you. In other words, if you always chase the free information and never invest, then your subconscious mind will think everyone is the same way (they are not).

For example, if you wanted to sell an ebook for $100 to 1,000 people, it would be hard for you to “commit” to that project. Why? You'd never get it finished because you have never been willing to invest $100 for a training ebook yourself. See how it works?

In order to succeed, you have to change and grow. You must be willing to invest in yourself.

What happens when you invest in something? It tends to grow your net worth. Well, same here. As you invest in quality information and positive empowerment, guess what grows for you?

Your belief!
Your commitment!
Your confidence!
Your results!

By investing in yourself, you get the right information usually. You figure things out -- and you move forward.

Start investing in yourself now by getting your hands on quality information that will give you the answers you are looking for. Bombard yourself with empowering information that excites and inspires you.



Step Three:

The next thing you must do is get the “how to” down.

This is what people pay the big bucks for -- “the how to”. People want answers. They want solutions. They want the secret information and secret solutions to their problems.

What if I told you right now, I can provide you with the exact steps you need to take to create a money machine.

Would you be willing to pay to learn those proven steps that has taken me years and years to learn myself?

Well, if you would be willing to pay for that priceless information...then realize -- so will others.

This letter is making me money right now, even if I’m out on a boat in the middle of the lake fishing. By solving problems and helping people, I’m making money while I sleep.

I simply solve problems and get paid for it. I find the solutions to common problems that people are willing to pay to learn -- and I create systems that solve those problems.

I then provide those systems for sale and get them in front of thousands and thousands of people who have that EXACT problem.

That’s like shooting fish in a barrel. And, my little money machines are making money even if I’m not working today, or tomorrow. Do you see the power?



Step Four:

Get help! Now that you understand the previous steps and can see a little clearer now...get after it. Get more help. Reach out and get the information you need to succeed.

Be willing to invest in yourself, seriously. Get the right information. Be willing to spend money to get the answers quicker. Be willing to take leaps of faith. Do things differently than you’ve done in the past. Get help from those who have been there and done that.

Get inspired. You can do this. 



Step Five: 

The way to break free is to focus like a laser beam on one system...and stick to it. You can do this if you stick to one thing. What you want to do is go a mile DEEP instead of a mile WIDE.

The Answer You Are Looking For Is Right Here. All You Have To Do Is Step-Up And Master This One Simple System! (That’s It!)

Can you do that? Can you master one simple system and stick to it? Can you stop chasing your tail and chasing magic-lottery-ticket-buttons and finally build a real business.

Can you finally put your heart and soul into ONE system...and MASTER it? 

If you are ready to commit, then I can change your financial life very quickly (if you are ready).

Introducing...The Anatomy Of Money Machines...Step By Step And Created By A Super-Successful Marketer!!

In this video course, you'll discover the point-by-point system for earning a growing monthly income with simple Marketing strategies. This course is simple, yet fascinating and entertaining as well.

You'll have a blast going through the 12 videos and I know that each and every minute will expand your vision.

You’ll be putting your palm on your forehead and saying, “where has this information been all my life?” ... because it’s that good!


Here’s a small taste of what you’ll discover:

♦ Why the big money is NOT in your product or service, but specifically in your marketing and the value that you provide.

♦ How to cash in on the “power of numbers”.

♦ How to follow a winning strategy from the beginning.

♦ How to promote your offers the right way to save yourself a mountain of headaches.

♦ How to make ever-growing money by setting up multiple money machines.

♦ How to use the power of micro-markets to convert high and earn money faster and easier.

♦ Tons of moneymaking and cost cutting and time saving tips

♦ High-Powered, Tightly Created Systems for earning money from impulse buys.

♦ Traffic techniques including screen shots and examples of how to set up a profitable traffic campaign.

♦ Where to get BIG TRAFFIC (this is how you scale up to millions of visitors...if you are that ambitious).

♦ The one thing missing from 97% of all offers that you MUST have to be a huge success.

♦ How to use the power of simple math to earn huge income (this can make you rich once you get the secret!).

♦ How millionaires do it… what they do that sets them apart from the rest of the population that fail. Nail this...and your life is changed.

♦ The MONSTER-MONEY waster that you must avoid and 97% never ever even see it. This crushes their success.

♦ The HUGE power of Joint partnerships and how this alone can generate millions.

♦ Plus, the steps to get joint partnerships, how to strike them, how to set them up and how to guarantee you succeed no matter what.

♦ How to give away free information and have people hunt you down to throw money at you, left and right.

♦ How to quickly increase the effectiveness and pulling-power of any advertising you ever do.

♦ How to keep customers coming back and spending more and more money with you.


The "Anatomy Of Money Machines" is Stacked And Layered With Golden Nuggets That Were Hard Learned From The Marketing Trenches OVER YEARS AND YEARS!!!

One thing I need to tell you about is -- there’s a catch. It’s a small catch...but here’s what I’m talking about.

This million dollar marketer, Eric -- he takes you by the hand in this 12 video course and tells it to you straight. This is quite refreshing. Eric nails the REAL problems people have with making money with this business.

He talks about these problems and barriers in detail so you can get on top of important matters. By doing this, he gets you out of your comfort zone. You start to look at things differently and that’s the real secret here.

When you start seeing this business from a different perspective, you start to realize that you’ve been seeing everything the wrong way.

This is a huge paradigm shift in thinking. It’s a big leap. You’ll start to see opportunities and possibilities everywhere. You’ll see opportunity at every turn and you’ll climb out of the rut you’ve been in and get into a new world of inspiration and success.

And, that’s what this is all about. Sure, you’ll discover the “how to” and the strategies and methods for making big money (the steps)...but you’ll also realize that the real barriers are much bigger and need to be addressed.

This is how you go from zero to earning big money. I’m serious. You’ll see it all inside the system videos and the 110 page comprehensive training manual.

Start From Scratch...
Follow The Steps...
Start Earning Money In Your Sleep...
It's a Slam-Dunk!!

Take these 12 system videos and follow them step by step. Watch them over and over again. Fast forward, rewind, pause...take notes and study these videos. This is what you need to succeed. This is what you are here for...this is what you WANT.
Get "The Anatomy of Money Machines" right now!


*** I will also be including many additional informational products...too many to list here. The value of these additional products are overwhelming! I want you to be equipped with virtually everything you need to be successful.

Order below. 





Now...Let's Get Back to the
Three-Level Publisher’s Profit Plan...


I’ll even show you how to mail
- by completely Eliminating Postage Costs.

My “Free Postage Stamp System” can save you $1,000's a year in postage. Within every System 8 Postcard, there is a special box that refers people to “See System 2 page on my main website to learn more about how to get hundreds, or even thousands of free postage stamps”.

LOOK...This Free Postage Stamp System
is also a 3-Level System.

  3-level System 2 Comp Chart 

Because everyone will be fully aware of the Free Postage Stamp System, almost everyone who is ALREADY promoting System 8 will also purchase the Free Postage Stamp System. Everyone will feel they will LOSE OUT on built-in automatic sales for the Free Postage Stamp System - if they don't order it themselves.  ((( *SEE SYSTEM 2 )))

IMPORTANT: You can only earn free stamps if you have already purchased the Free Postage Stamp System yourself. This one-time purchase requirement will generate more and more free stamps for you...and every one of your dealers.



Look at the Possibilities...

Here’s What $14,000 Cash and 300 FREE POSTAGE STAMPS Looks Like in 60 Days:

1 In this EXAMPLE - you would be selling my System 8 product priced at $297.

2 AT WEEK ONE: You mail 500 postcards at a cost of about $220, including all mailing costs.

3 AT WEEKS TWO & THREE: You get a 1% response out of 500. That’s 5 each Level One sales @ $50 commission) = $250.

4 AT WEEKS TWO & THREE: Your 5 people also purchased the Free Postage Stamp System. That’s 5 sales @ 60 Postage Stamps = 300 Stamps.


5 AT WEEKS FOUR & FIVE: If those 5 people also mailed 500 postcards and each of them got a 1% response, that’s 25 people. THAT WOULD BE 25 ORDERS TIMES $60 (Your Level 2 commission), WHICH EQUALS $1,500.

6 AT WEEKS SIX & SEVEN: If those 25 people also mailed 500 postcards and each of them got a 1% response, that’s 125 people. THAT WOULD BE 125 ORDERS TIMES $100 (Your Level 3 commission), WHICH EQUALS $12,500.

7 AT WEEK NINE: Okay. Do the math. In total - that’s $250 + $1,500 + $12,500 = $14,250. After subtracting the $220 mailing costs, you just made $14,030 and 300 Free Postage Stamps in about 60 days. The 3rd Level Payout gives you incredible LEVERAGE. You are earning $60 on Level Two and $100 on Level Three from other people’s efforts, and that’s why this plan works so well.

 From this point, you simply snowball the offer until you are mailing thousands of postcards.
What if you and your people got a response of 2% on 500 Postcards mailed...what would your NET PROFIT be? The answer is: GETTING BIG!

Yes, there is serious money to be made here.
I know it may be hard to believe - but I average a 2% response...many times I have gotten a 4% response on these same POSTCARDS.

What if you and your people mailed 1,000 Postcards and got a 3% response? YOU DO THE MATH. The money made here is getting even bigger!!

NOTE: Because it is impossible to predict actual percentages of response on any program, the projections above could be more or less. Doyle Chambers cannot guarantee your income in this program.




I can teach you how to build a steady stream of income that all starts from a single sale to one person.

Each sale you make can automatically bridge into a future upgrade sale for an additional product. 

With my system, you can sell one product which leads people into a 2nd higher-priced product purchase.

For many people – System 8 will be enough for them. However, for those people who want to earn even higher commissions -- I’ve created an OPTIONAL add-on system called “System 9”.

System 9 does cost more – but you can potentially triple your commissions without doing any additional work.

Only those people who join System 8 FIRST, can join the add-on System 9. After you experience System 8, you may want to consider joining System 9.


Once people enter my integrated system - most will find it difficult to back out. It’s built to compel forward momentum. Prospects end up selling themselves and instinctively see themselves in the driver’s seat as a System 8 Dealer. The upgrade sales mechanism for an OPTIONAL Add-On System 9 is automatic and built-in.

Many people have asked, “Can I begin as a System 8 Dealer and wait to earn money before upgrading to purchase System 9?”

Yes, you can! --- BUT you could lose commissions by waiting to upgrade into System 9.

Here’s the catch: You can only earn dealer commissions on the specific system products you have actually purchased yourself. Non-buyers of my systems at no time are qualified as a dealer to re-sell and earn commissions on any system they have not purchased themselves.

Lots of people would be thrilled to earn a nice income retailing only System 8. These people won’t take it to the next level by purchasing System 9.

However, the serious dealers will purchase System 9 so they can earn on both System 8 and System 9 sales made through their referrals. Others whom you refer will be buying System 9. 

If you wait to upgrade into System 9, then you could lose money. There have been thousands of dollars in unpaid commissions because the referring sponsor was unqualified.
Others have asked, “How is it possible to promote both System 8 and System 9 products at one time?”

All of the provided marketing tools are used to promote System 8 only. There are no marketing tools specifically for System 9.

 You simply use the marketing tools to promote System 8…and then System 8 will automatically do all of the work to convert people into System 9. 

When you have purchased both products, you can effectively operate your business by mailing just ONE POSTCARD or ONE SALES LETTER.

That’s right! Your referral prospects will read your Postcard or Sales Letter and go to my catalog website. After reviewing System 8, they will submit their product order. Whenever they purchase System 9, then you would start earning 3-Level commissions on System 9 (depending if you have purchased System 9 yourself).

People line up and purchase both systems -- and then start mailing postcards and sales letters as a dual-system dealer, which generates bigger and bigger commissions for you.




In addition to using Postcards and Sales Letters, I also offer *Referral Websites to help build your business. You can choose to have a Referral Website, or not. (*This is optional for an additional one-time setup fee).



My Three-Level Publisher’s Profit Plan is the Perfect Add-On Program for You.

Okay, so you’re already working another type of venture or promoting a product by mail. No problem.

The Three-Level Publisher’s Profit Plan is the perfect Add-On Program for any venture you’re currently working.

That’s because you can USE the income generated from this business to help support your other business ventures.

And if you don’t have an existing’s the perfect business to start all by itself.

Isn’t it time for you to get in the game?

Prepare yourself with a real financial backup system to rely on if your job is ever swept away. There’s no better business than a mail order-internet marketing business for ease of starting, low startup cost, and substantial income potential.

What exactly will you receive?

(1) System 8 Product entitled "The Anatomy of Money Machines".

(2) A ready-to-print Postcard and a one-page Sales Letter. Simply take them to your print shop and print as many copies as you need. Your Personal ID Number is to be inserted at the bottom of the Postcard and Sales Letter.

(3) The right to copy my special Postcard and One-Page Sales Letter and be an authorized dealer.

(4) Explicit instructions explaining how to do everything (including a list of mailing list sources where you can obtain good responsive names to mail to).

(5) *Referral Website setup with your Personal ID Number (*This is optional for an additional one-time setup fee).

Consider the one-time startup cost to purchase my System 8 product and become one of my authorized dealers.

(A) What would it cost to hire me (or anyone else) to write a sales promotion like this for you? There are people who repeatedly ask me to write them a postcard or sales letter, but I’ve always declined their offer.

(B) My products have already generated thousands of dollars in revenues for me and my dealers spanning over 20 years.

(C) Droves of people have paid me hundreds of dollars for dealerships on many different products.

(D) You’re getting a “turn-key” direct mail promotion. All you have to do is copy and mail it.


If you’re new to mail order or internet marketing, this is a great way to make money right from the start.

Everything is worked out for you. Just follow the easy instructions and you can soon be making more money than many old timers.

Get started today. Grab hold and don’t let this slip away.

Before you do anything else, give me the go ahead and ORDER RIGHT NOW. I mail commission paychecks every other Friday.

I’ll be looking forward to sending your first paycheck. Order now. 



Phone: 214-326-7296



Email me for a quicker response to your questions and concerns. Please email me at:

Most of the time I'm away from the phone doing ranch work. Thank you!


Doyle and tractor pic 



72-Hour Special Offer

Join System 8 and
get System 11 for FREE.

That's right! You get System 11 at no additional cost. (You save $297)

System 11

 "MLM Income Builder Toolbox"
(valued at $297)

See System 11

*NOTE: After you have first purchased System 8, then I'll send the System 11 product download link to you by email.

Act Now and Save Money! 


*Please understand that by not purchasing System 8 within 72-Hours, you'll miss out on this special offer. You only have one chance to get the special bonus product.
In 72-Hours, this offer will be
 gone. Place your order right now!





Order System 8 and Get Started Quickly...

Yes Doyle! I'm ready to start building a strong income with System 8 and The Three-Level Publisher's Profit Plan. I have read and agree to the purchase agreement and legal disclaimers shown at the bottom of this website.


Product Item #: STM8

Price: $297.00

Order By Mail  -or-  Order Online By Credit Card


Buy Now

Everything you need can be downloaded
on the Product Download Page.


All Major Credit and Debit Cards Accepted




I take all the steps necessary to ensure that all of your personal information passes through our ultra secure order form. Please order with the confidence of knowing all your information will be kept confidential and protected. This Online Payment System uses SSL Secure Servers for Safe and Secure Shopping. Privacy Guaranteed.



1+8 Fast Start Plan

Purchase System 1 + System 8 Combined for a one-time purchase price.

This package includes a Special Bonus.

Order Online -or- Order By Mail

Click Here To Learn More 


Doyle Chambers Giant Package 

Time Limited Offers

Join System 8 Get System 11 for FREE

Join System 9 Get System 7 for FREE

Join System 12 Get System 10 for FREE

Buy Referral Website Get Expander 3 for FREE

Join System 2 and Get Expander 4 for FREE




There's even more...






 Real Cash Flow Funnel



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Terms of Agreement: In no way does this make me an employee of Doyle Chambers, and I am responsible for my own Federal, State and Local Taxes. I understand that I am solely responsible for my success in this program; that all commissions paid to me through Doyle Chambers are from the sale of the product; that Doyle Chambers does not guarantee any specific earnings from the Three-Level Publisher’s Profit Plan or from use of the product. I also understand that I am not obligated to market the product and if I choose to market it, then I accept full responsibility for the manner in which I choose to market it. No guarantees as to amounts made or to be made are to be used to entice marketing participants.

Doyle Chambers’ other available systems are optional. However, I can only earn dealer commissions on the specific System products I have actually purchased myself. Unlike most illogical entrepreneurs, Doyle Chambers does not resort to outlandish money-back guarantees and no such policy is expressed or implied. I understand and agree that all orders are final after processing payment and cannot be cancelled for any reason. I agree that I am buying as information only and no sales or income is due or promised.

Void where prohibited by law. Doyle Chambers reserves the right to make changes in this program to comply with all Federal, State and Local Laws. Permission is granted to authorized dealers only to copy, providing no changes are made to this © Postcard and © One-Page-Letter. Your submitted order signifies you fully agree with all terms stated above.

Please note: This course is not refundable. Please do not purchase this product if you intend to request a refund or if you will not be taking action with the course materials. In this product, I share my entire business with you. I cannot allow people to learn this entire business and receive all of the included business materials for free by requesting refunds after they make their purchase. Receiving these business materials for free, by requesting a refund after your purchase would not be fair to me or to the people who have purchased the course. If you have any doubts or reservations about purchasing this product, please do not purchase it until you are ready. This product includes everything that I have personally used to earn a substantial income over many years. I cannot allow people to obtain this entire business for free, by ordering it, downloading all of the materials, and then requesting a refund. Thank you.

System 8 and System 9 are not available to Texas residents AND all foreign countries outside of the U.S.A. and its territories. 

System 8 & Three-Level Publisher’s Profit Plan
© Copyrights 1989 - 2014, Doyle Chambers - All Rights Reserved.
Reproduction of any part of this site by any means is
strictly prohibited under Copyright Law.



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What is your Refund and Guarantee Policy? Many consumers assume that a purchase made with a credit card guarantees the right to return a product. However, as a small-business owner, I have the right to set my own refund policy. All purchases made through Doyle Chambers website are final and there are no refunds. For customers who try to charge back their purchase, I win 100% of those cases due to my clearly stated policy. If it still states a “refund guarantee” on the sales letter, within the sales video, or within the product - it no longer applies. I understand that some people won’t buy this product because there’s a no refund guarantee. This product is only for those who appreciate the real value I’m providing. This really is a valuable step-by-step product for a very reasonable price. You will find my refund policy stated within the "Purchase Agreement" at the bottom of this website. By making a purchase on a Doyle Chambers website, you acknowledge you have read and agree to the Doyle Chambers "No Refund" Policy" within the Purchase Agreement. Thank You!